Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Oh dear, I hope you didn't take offense to my post!  You've got a year of goose experience on me, so you're much more capable of doing this sexing.  Being completely new to geese, I just don't want to risk it.  I read that done incorrectly can cause egg binding which can kill a goose.  Plus, they scream bloody murder and struggle in that video when they are being vent sexed.   I'm emotionally mushy and couldn't handle it.  

Oh no, no offense! I was just saying like, if people pinion their birds CERTAINLY if done carefully it wouldn't bother them to much, right???? I wouldn't think so
I would keep an eye on the goose that layer the shelled egg.
My Piper was doing that. Some were shell-less others were funny shells.
She had a repro tract infection.
She got pretty down.
Took her to the vet. She was there a week.
Injectable antibiotics. She could have come home on those but injections on a goose, not my strong suit.
Dogs, cats yes, geese...no.
I ended up having an implant put in to keep her from laying.
It's her second one. I love it.
No eggs, no worries.
Reebok, Oliver and Piper.
Apologies, saw all the posts on geese and didn't pick up on that.
Glad she is stronger today.
My geese eggs are going into lockdown, next monday, and i just want to make sure ive been doing things right, i read on the hacthing geese 101 thread, that i should keep humidity around 30% the lowest i could get it was 35%, with no water in the bator, and to put it upto 70% during lock down, i have been spraying and cooling them for 15 minutes everyday from day 4, they are in the octagon 20 mini advance with the automatic turning cradle, so they are been tuned every 2 hours i think, am i doing this right, any advice or help? Thanks in advance :)


(Ps this is my first time hatching geese!)
Well, both my goose Lacie and I have eggs :) She doesn't have a mate so I slipped two eggs under her and put two in my incubator, then I had a batch of three come in the mail and only had room for one in my 'bator so she got two of those that I'll take as soon as my incubator has space freed up since they aren't due on the same day as her first two. After last year when I hatched goslings, then lost all of them along with all of last year's chicks and my marans flock to mycoplasma, I'm hoping this year goes a lot better.
Well, both my goose Lacie and I have eggs
She doesn't have a mate so I slipped two eggs under her and put two in my incubator, then I had a batch of three come in the mail and only had room for one in my 'bator so she got two of those that I'll take as soon as my incubator has space freed up since they aren't due on the same day as her first two. After last year when I hatched goslings, then lost all of them along with all of last year's chicks and my marans flock to mycoplasma, I'm hoping this year goes a lot better.
Keep us updated!!
O.K. It is time to go public. Over the past month I have been watching my geese lay eggs, build nest, go broody and finally yesterday, begin to hatch what have to be the most beautiful Toulouse goslings ever hatched. I have had the very wise counsel of Miss Lydia and most recently 8GeeseALaying both of whom I thank immensely. So, here is what is going on...

The players:
Sting - The Gander (named Sting like the singer from the group The Police since servpolice did a 100% accurate sexing just by photographs)
Lydia - Nest Sitter Extraordinaire (named in honor of Miss Lydia here on BYC who has proven to be the best of digital friends and wise...she should change her handle to Mother Goose)
Pauline - Platinum Level Aunt, Nanny, Baby Sitter (named after my mother who encouraged me to get geese to go with my chickens and ducks)
jtn - Me, the human involved in all this that had no idea what was involved or how to even be involved (also played the role of clown and crazy goose Grandfather as things progressed)

Here is the first of what will, I am sure, be many pictures over the coming weeks.

If you look close you can see four little heads and a fifth fuzzy butt next to Pauline. Lydia is inside the house still sitting on eggs and hatching God only knows how many more (there were 15 eggs total that I could count). Sting, the gander, is just inside the door to the left standing guard. They did venture out into the sun a little while ago but by the time I grabbed my camera and as soon as they saw me come out the back door the adults hustled the babies back inside to safety.

This has been a real experience for me. I have never had babies before. Never even a litter of puppies. I admit to probably being a pain in the ... with my worry and silliness but if this is the end result so be it, it was all worthwhile. The PM over the past month will be edited (I will leave in enough of my craziness to keep it interesting) and shared as a BYC article on the first hatch for both geese and humans. So, if you are interested keep your eyes open for that.
O.K. It is time to go public. Over the past month I have been watching my geese lay eggs, build nest, go broody and finally yesterday, begin to hatch what have to be the most beautiful Toulouse goslings ever hatched. I have had the very wise counsel of Miss Lydia and most recently 8GeeseALaying both of whom I thank immensely. So, here is what is going on... The players: Sting - The Gander (named Sting like the singer from the group The Police since servpolice did a 100% accurate sexing just by photographs) Lydia - Nest Sitter Extraordinaire (named in honor of Miss Lydia here on BYC who has proven to be the best of digital friends and wise...she should change her handle to Mother Goose) Pauline - Platinum Level Aunt, Nanny, Baby Sitter (named after my mother who encouraged me to get geese to go with my chickens and ducks) and... jtn - Me, the human involved in all this that had no idea what was involved or how to even be involved (also played the role of clown and crazy goose Grandfather as things progressed) Here is the first of what will, I am sure, be many pictures over the coming weeks. If you look close you can see four little heads and a fifth fuzzy butt next to Pauline. Lydia is inside the house still sitting on eggs and hatching God only knows how many more (there were 15 eggs total that I could count). Sting, the gander, is just inside the door to the left standing guard. They did venture out into the sun a little while ago but by the time I grabbed my camera and as soon as they saw me come out the back door the adults hustled the babies back inside to safety. This has been a real experience for me. I have never had babies before. Never even a litter of puppies. I admit to probably being a pain in the ... with my worry and silliness but if this is the end result so be it, it was all worthwhile. The PM over the past month will be edited (I will leave in enough of my craziness to keep it interesting) and shared as a BYC article on the first hatch for both geese and humans. So, if you are interested keep your eyes open for that.
Congrats!!!! My Toulouse is sitting on some Embden/Toulouse eggs, seven so far. Next year I'm hoping to do a pure breeding program with my 8 coming in the mail

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