Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long


Guess who is too huge to stay in the brooder with the chicks and is spending her first night with the ducklings and juveniles her size in the grow out pen.... =) finally have some sibling eggs going into lockdown tonight =)
Candled my 6 goose eggs they are on day 4... All 6 are showing small embryos already. Maybe i will get a few goslings after all.
Still waiting on my 3 saxony/ancona ducklings to hatch, should be out by tomorrow.
Also set 20 more eggs from my ducks in the bator tonight. So all together there are 31 duck eggs and 6 goose eggs cooking. 11 are due in two weeks and the 6 Goose and 20 duck eggs are due May 21-23.
Congrats!! good thing you have a big pond
One is out. Its kind of yellowish which is a good sign! The second is zipping, it looks dark with a spotted bill. The third pipped later than the others so it might be out tomorrow.
Congrats!! good thing you have a big pond ;)

LoL i cant keep them all regardless of that. I kept two of each out of my pekin and blue swedish eggs. The other 9 sold fast. I will probably keep these 3 new ones. I might grow out the most of the last 30 i dont know, depends on if anyone contacts me for ducklings.
One is out. Its kind of yellowish which is a good sign! The second is zipping, it looks dark with a spotted bill. The third pipped later than the others so it might be out tomorrow.
LoL i cant keep them all regardless of that. I kept two of each out of my pekin and blue swedish eggs. The other 9 sold fast. I will probably keep these 3 new ones. I might grow out the most of the last 30 i dont know, depends on if anyone contacts me for ducklings.

Ooh you're going to have blue Swedish ducklings available?? =)
Does anyone know what a blue sebbie gosling looks like? I'm getting two goslings from a member here this coming Saturday and she's letting me pick my two, and I wanted to see if I could get a blue from her, since her gander is blue, but I don't know what to look for.
I have two little blue pied ducklings that looks just like their mom. My little white one only lived 6 hrs after i found he had hatched. He hatched with parts still hanging out which i didnt know until i went to get him out. I wasnt surprised since he should have hatched out 2nd instead of being first. I did everything i could but he just didnt want to stay. My other two seem healthy.
First time Shetland Goose baby hatched... by mom ! (last year I hatched 6 in incubators, no one set full term).Mom, Auntie, dad and Uncle guarding the house. No one wanted to come out today and they took up defensive posture (the 2 gandars) and there it was a yellow and gray baby (think it may be female as shading is pretty dark), other eggs still under mom. Now I have to decide whether to leave it/them or move into garage for a bit) there are wood rats digging into my nearby pens and snakes could get in. ... There are in a hotwired 4 foot fence top and bottom, and inside a house with a door I can close at night to keep out anything just in case (and babies in) like owls etc. but with 3 other geese in pen should be safe.? I could put up a temp fence circle also around the little house 4X5 to keep babies from wondering out till they are bigger. But I am inclined to see if she can raise them. I have another female in another pen on some eggs and if something happens to these I may still have babies this year. This is the 2 females 3rd spring, so it does take a while, last year 2 set , but , they left off it and I took some eggs and hatched 6 , but they were mostly male 2-1 so I'd like to see if mom's numbers are more 50-50.
Any suggestions as to how to do water and feed while with mom? I don't want babies getting wet, guess I could put my brooder waterer in there with a taller bucket for mom that babies can't get in the first week ,like a 5 gallon bucket....and fence the other geese away from the feed. ... and guess to deter rats not leave feed overnight.? Will set my bait station up (don't like to do it, but they have tunneled into the African female who is setting.....sheesh.

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