Goslings should be arriving tommorow or Friday: they are here!


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Lonedell, Missouri
I broke down and bought some goslings for my mother n law she only wanted 3 lol I ordered 8 to keep the price low. Figured I would sell the others, once I new she was not going to lose any. They should arrive anyday. I ordered from Ideal never ordered from a hatchery before always bought from private breeders but no one in my area has had any all spring. I get to play with them for a while once they arrive. I just really really hope they make it safely.

Cant wait to see what they are. I ordered 8 hatcherys choice. Will see! first time getting live animals through the mail. Offcourse I have gotten eggs but nothing already hatched. this will be a interesting experience.
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Good luck with them!
I ordered goslings from a hatchery for the first time this year too. Like you, I've never ordered any animals online. My two goslings got here this morning safe and sound... got a call about 7 a.m. from the post office "we have a chirping box here for you" lol.

That cool! I figure it should be fine, people do it all the time but there is always a chance that something goes wrong with the mail. This will be intresting since not sure about breeds or sexs so we will see if they all end up the same kind or if there is a few kinds or not. Havn't really heard of anyone else ordering a mix from them before so should know in next two days.
Well the baby's arrived today got a call about 12 saying they were there. Not too bad texas to missouri next day. One side of the box was beat up and they taped it to keep them in had to be the side with the 5 in on spot. they seem to be doing good found there food and water and are settling in. Know to figure out what kind they are. lol

Here are a few pictures will get some close ups later. 2 im pretty positive are a diffrenet breed then the others just because they have a real pale brown olmost grey on there backs and one has a dark spot on head and other one doesn't. Most of the others look about the same.


Aw, hi, babies. You should have fun with them.

The three Pilgrims I hatched are really fun right now, at 3 to 5 weeks old, roughly. They just can't get enough of old dad right now, follow me around in the yard and love to cuddle up. I know, like all children, in a little while it will be "geesh, old man, you're just not cool any more, leave me alone."
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they all have started to come up to the side of the brooder for attention when I walk in there room. never had geese but they seem to want more attention then my ducks every have with exception of one duck.
One of the things that is so likable about goslings is that they DO want attention and affection, and will come over to the side of the brooder to extend their necks and look up at you and gabble. It's just so cute!
Congratulations they're so adorable! I can't wait until I can get some goslings of my own. I don't think I'd ever be able to handle 8, but I'm fine with a pair haha.

I just want to cuddle them all.

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