goslings with chicks different ages?


5 Years
Jan 29, 2016
I have 14 chicks at 6-weeks-old and I have three goslings that are about a week old their house together but I have a divider of wire and a heat lamp on the goslings can they be let out with the chickens during the day they are all about the same size and I have them in electric fence pen?
... PS I know it's the wrong kind of light my red heat lamp died and all I had was a reptile basking light so they had to stay warm That's what they had last night.
If the day time temps are that warm I say go for it! They will love to go out and forage for grass! You will have to make sure to offer some chick grit back in the brooder for them to make sure they can digest everything properly.
Also, be sure to supervise until you're sure the chickens aren't picking on them!
If the day time temps are that warm I say go for it! They will love to go out and forage for grass! You will have to make sure to offer some chick grit back in the brooder for them to make sure they can digest everything properly.
Also, be sure to supervise until you're sure the chickens aren't picking on them!
Yeah I've seen them chase the chickens but I haven't seen the chickens really do anything to them but occasional peck to the foot but I think for another week or so until they're a little bit bigger than the chickens I might just let them out for a couple hours a day while being kept an eye on
Yeah it's for the most part in the '80s and '90s during the day and at night it might get down to the '60s occasional 50 something degrees it's pretty warm here

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