got a bear video with my game cam on the coop

She sounds like a real winner! :)  My neighbor's dog was all over the country (I live in a rural area, and "neighbor" can be anyone within a 10-mile radius). Her response was, "These dogs think their territory is everywhere" or some such thing. She seemed completely unconcerned that her dog would go several miles from home. 

Well, I would be concerned, but that's just me. Even so, these LGD's seldom cause problems for other people unless they just don't like dogs. If anything, the dog is likely keeping predators out of the area and the neighbors could be getting the benefit of that. Now, if someone is out hunting, I can see where an LGD wouldn't be welcomed as they will likely scare the prey away.
Out here, the dog would have to cover quite a bit of territory to keep predators out of the neighbors' yards. They're at least a mile apart at the closest in most places. We're quite rural. And if it were my dog, I'd be concerned, too. Mainly because I wouldn't want my expensive dog wandering loose through the countryside, and because it's bad manners for dogs (and their owners to let them) to be off their own property and "visiting" others. If people know who a dog belongs to and it's not causing a problem, they're pretty forgiving, but it does get old having to call the owners or return the dog on a regular basis.
A very determined bear could get into the average persons house if they really wanted to... Probably easier than we'd like to think considering my dog can chew through a 2x4 wall. (Through drywall, insulation, a bit of a stud and the dry wall on the other side.) That was the last time we locked her in the bathroom during bad weather, ever...
Most bears are wary of dogs in general and even if the dog isn't really a LSG they're still a deterant. We had a client at work who's toy poodle chased a bear out of their yard. We all joked that the bear must have thought it was a rabid, mutant squirrel lol! Our dog also barks at and keeps intruding animals out of our yard. She's not a LSG by any stretch though, she'd kill the chickens if I wasn't there to tell her they're "mine". The chickens are in a dog proofed run and coop within her turf so they benefit indirectly from her guarding.

I am so glad we don't have bears here in Texas. I would never be able to sleep, I would be looking outside every 5 minutes making sure there was no bear.
We see about two or three a year during the day out by the pond. It's a man made pond and it's about 200 feet from the house. I have had the pests in the garage that is attached to the house. So far they seem to be shy and have only put holes in the garbage can and scratches on the car. No matter though the car was old. I don't fear them much. They don't seem bother us. I have been here 20 years without having a problem with attacks. Maybe the day will come.....I have heard some strange noises in the woods behind the coop a couple of times. I tell myself it's just a moose or deer. Sounds like a some sort of Stephen King nightmare sometimes. LOL.

I am wondering the size of the bear in the video. It looks like a small bear. Still they are very powerful. Hope you have not had any missing chickens because of it.
My dogs are all locked up at night, but I still haven't had any trouble with predators, I think it could be that the dog smell is too strong on my yard. Or if they get close before it's dark they get chased away.
OMG, you got lucky. I SEE YOUR ROO holding the front door!!! You need some good electric wiring or something. Those bears love to come back. Your roo deserves a big treat for being the man of the house!
There was some coop on the edge of a town near us that kept getting raided at night. The response was pretty lacking from local authorities. I made the comment on their news website that next time it might be some old lady or a kid. Boy, they were right out there to get the situation handled. Don't recall what they did. I know they have relocated some bears only to have the bears return.
Electric fence can be a great bear educator. Several years ago a bear got into my neighbor's apiary and destroyed several hives. Electric fencing was installed (with bacon strips on the wire), the bear was educated and has not wrecked the hives since. If the bear really wants in, he will destroy the coop as well as the run.
I can't agree more. Jolt that joker with enough Joliets from an electric fence and the bear will quickly remember that he has important business elsewhere.

A big 2X to sourland.
I would go for the electric fence too. They don't take nearly as much training. Glad yours was just charging. I live in Va and have one for Raccoons etc. Let me tell you skunks do not like hitting them, but I would rather smell that then see my girls get involved.
Good luck!

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