Got a visit from the city today!

We are currently going through changing the rules on chickens in our little village. Hope they don't have the chick cop's come to our coop. Do they really know what to look for is my only question! good luck Jiffyrocks.
Oh doubtful. They didn't even count my chickens or look into the coop. They just glanced at the whole thing- probably just making sure it wasn't a stinky eye sore.
sucks, but the complainers have every right to do so.

this is a good reason why you don't answer your door for people you don't know and/or aren't expecting. it could save your life.

i'd have told the city workers to pound sand. they want to see my operation they can get a judge to issue an order or warrant.

judges are hesitant when it comes to invasion of privacy (especially when no one's life is in danger) because if they're wrong they look really bad and it can (and should) come back to bite them come election-time.

even if you aren't doing anything wrong, don't willfully let gov't officials invade your only emboldens them and encourages them.

we already live in a society where the government operates extra-constitutionally, we don't need the same garbage from local munis.
Seanengler, I used to live in a town where codes did that. I know I'm making sure mine meets the distance etc. My current neighbors don't care, have talked to them. My 89yo neighbor has a reverse mortgage and has a bad heart, so when she dies it will be sold by the bank. Never know at that point.

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