got a year old roo and might have accidentally got a cockerel(s) with the new chicks


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2022
okay, so i'm a first time chicken owner. i tried to start with 4 pullets from TSC and accidentally got a roo. it wasn't a problem at first because it was just him, but i learned quickly as he matured that 3 hens wasn't enough girls to go around. the girls have started either turning on him or he snatches them, sometimes pulling feathers. it doesn't help that he's a bantam and the girls are full sized RIR's.

so a year has gone by and TSC had more bantams . i thought this would be my chance to add some more hens for the boy, especially some his size.

i was overconfident in my ability to sex the chicks, for i believe i got at least one cockerel in this bunch again.

everyone's immediate suggestion was to get rid of him/her, but i have had them 1 week and based on the amount of feathers they have, i'd say they were a week when i got them. idk if that's still too early to tell, but if i wait too long, what are the odds i could still introduce to him to my roo and live in peace?

the adults (especially the roo) seem welcoming of the chicks (meeting through fences only so far). the adults are curious and then continue with their foraging. the roo will come over, watch them for a few, sometimes cooing and making little chirps, then go back to his girls. when i let them out of the yard to free range, they have no interest in the chicks at all.

below are the chicks the day i got them. the golden one and the white and black both have feathers down the legs. the golden is the one i'm most suspicious o the other two do not. i'll give bonus points if someone can make out breeds from that pic


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I don't really believe the whole thing where you can tell by how long the wing feathers are because someone who says they sex chicks by the wing feathers said that one of our chicks was a boy. Though she was out of the pullet bin. I don't have any confidence in that method. Vent sexing is way more accurate.Though I'm not an expert, your chicks all look the way ours look that we got from the pullet bin. I don't see anything about any of yours that says cockerel. If your chick is a boy then I guess all of ours are boys because they all look the same way🤣 I hope this helps.

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