Got home and my only chick remaining got pecked by the bigger chickens


Jun 24, 2016
Long story short a coyote attacked one of my hens about 2 weeks ago and killed it and 6 of her 7 newborn chicks, i found the 1 chick and keep it in a bucket at night with food and water and every morning i let it out. Got back home today around 8pm and i found it hiding with all of her feathers around the neck plucked, its left wing stays open so im not sure if its broken or not, and its left foot seems to hurt because it can barely stand. Im suprised that its even alive. How should i treat its neck because it looks as if they pulled the skin around its neck back. Should i isolate it completely with food and water and it'll heal on its own? Or should i put something like antibiotic cream?? Help me please
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Keep her separated and warm, gently cleanse the wound and apply some plain neosporin or vetericyn.
Watch for any signs of infection like pus, oozing or odors.

Add some poultry vitamins/electrolytes to her water if you have them.
Offer some wet chick starter with a little hard boiled egg, tuna or mackerel to give her some added nutrition.

I'm not sure how to treat a broken wing, so you may have to search for that.

Read up on integrating a lone chicken into the flock so when she is healed up and ready to go back outside, you have (hopefully) less drama to deal with.
I wouldn't put such a small chick in with an established flock. Wait until she strong enough to defend herself. I hope she pulls through.
Thank you guys so much for the advice. I'll use it in the future if another chicken gets injured. I know not to mix the younger ones with the older ones, it was my stepfather's fault. He's as stubborn as a mule. Unfortunately she died at 4am today.

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