Got home from the feed store and SHOCK they gave me medicated feed!


9 Years
Oct 18, 2010
I never fed my 4 girls medicated feed at all when growing them up last year. Now I have 2 new chicks and went to buy feed, as I was completely out. The feed store guy was a different guy than I've always seen... Told him I needed a bag of chick starter crumbles, he said ok and rung me up... warehouse put the bag in the back of my car and I drove off none the wiser... till I got the bag out of my car the next day.

Now I'm stuck. the store is closed today and my bb's need to eat. I never intended to feed medicated, largely because I was uninformed about its contents and doubtful of its necessity. will it harm my chicks?

I see the bag says do not feed to laying hens... Why not? If it's not good for laying hens, I have to ask then why is it ok for baby chicks?!!

How common is coccidiosis?
How likely is my small backyard flock to encounter it? (4 hens, 2 chicks) I live in Washington state. I know some things are regional problems and climate plays a role.

What should I do?
I believe that cocci in the soil are pretty much everywhere. The medicated feed is to help them when they are finally introduced to the cocci they can build some immunity without having to take on a huge load of cocci and then develop coccidiosis with the diarrhea, and bloody diarrhea that can lead to sick birds that may even die from it. I think there are actually more people that feed the medicated feed than the other type, since it does help prevent an illness that can kill. I am sure there are people out there who don't use the medicated stuff and still have healthy birds. Kind of personal preference. I would not worry about feeding them the feed if that is all you have. It won't hurt them or anything.

I would be interested why it says not to feed to layers. It might just not have the appropriate nutrients. Would like to hear what are more experienced folks say.
I went ahead and fed it to them this morning... However, I'm still wondering:

-I see the bag says do not feed to laying hens... Why not?

-If it's not good for laying hens, I have to ask then why is it ok for baby chicks?!!

-How likely is my small backyard flock to encounter coccidiosis? (4 hens, 2 chicks) I live in Washington state.

I read an account of a flock getting the disease really bad after the new chicks who had been fed medicated crumbles were put out with them... The older hens recovered, but the chicks died...

-Why would this happen?

Only thing I can say is that I have always fed my chicks medicated feed. They probably don't want you giving it to laying hens because they assume you will eat the eggs, and the meds may transfer to the eggs.
Don't think you are supposed to feed it to layers because the med would be passed on to the eggs and we aren't supposed to eat it. I'm with you on no medication. I didn't medicate mine and they did fine, kept them off the ground entirely until about 3 weeks, then only a few minutes a day for several more problems and I'm in the humid south. I'd buy a different day on it shouldn't affect them either way.
I feed medicated chick starter last year and this year. I am not sure about that story but have heard the Cocci is in the dirt every where and the medication is actually something to just help them built up an immunity to it before they are put on the dirt. I guess it would be like a mammal getting protection from some illness from their mothers milk. My hens got into the medicated feed last year and it did not hurt them I think it just might no be the right thing for hens to eat but just what baby chicks need to grow healthy. I would rather feed medicated feed and be safe then to lose all my chicks to the Cocci which I have heard is really bad.
the only reason I don't feed medicated is because I have ducks and they eat soo much it will make them sick , otherwise medicated is preffered , I believe wild birds can be a source for the cocci so therefore it can be anywhere.
I always feed medicated starter. Its very likely at some point your chicks will be exposed to cocci. Its a protazoa that is found in the dirt almost everywhere. The ingredient Amprolium, is a thymine blocker. It is not an antibiotic like some people think. Im not sure why yours says do not feed to laying hens. Mine from Southern States doesnt say anything like that. It could be that some people are allergic to amprolium and a small bit is passed on into the egg.

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