Got My Goslings Today


10 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Ft Worth TX
Good Morning, got my ducks and goslings today, and so far I VERY disappointed. I won't say from whom I bought them. But I ordered ten (10) birds I received eight (8). Out of my two (2) white Embden goslings, one has severe leg issues. Also after speaking to a representative at the hatchery I was informed they sent me males, I ordered females. My question is what can I do to help this little guy get back on his feet. His legs sprawl out to both sides and he has a very difficult time moving. I'm not the kind of person who say 's "Well that's Mother Nature for ya". I'm going to try everything I can to help this goose get back to being healthy. But I need help.

I can't get the picture to attach for some reason but as soon as I figure it out I will get it here.

Thanks in advance for anyone who knows how to fix this lil guy.

Ret Msgt
The goslings has spraddle leg. You need to get some butcher string or yarn and go right above the bend in the leg and tie the one legs then take the string over to the other leg and make sure there is enough area in between so the gosling can walk natural. It is not hard to do and will only take a few days for the legs to get strong enough to walk again.
I make sure to turn the gosling over on it's back and tie the one leg then take the string over to the other leg because when they are on their back the legs are at a good angle to tie them. But make sure the string is a soft one and has some width so it does not cut into the leg. It is a pretty quick fix for the baby.
I'd be very concerned about having that many males. Even if they were to credit you back for the whole bunch of them, they're still going to fight each other. If you're just keeping them for meat it might not be a problem but if you're keeping them long term they'll probably be a handful in the spring when love is in the air and there are too many boys around.
(I'd be very concerned about having that many males. Even if they were to credit you back for the whole bunch of them, they're still going to fight each other. If you're just keeping them for meat it might not be a problem but if you're keeping them long term they'll probably be a handful in the spring when love is in the air and there are too many boys around.)

That's a good point, the funny part is I didn't order any MALES, my orginal order was 2 Jumbo Pekins Females, 2 cayugas females, 2 blue swedens females, 2 Embden geese females and 2 straight run crested pekins. So out of all that I should of only had 1 male, possibly, but now It's looking like I'll have 2 male geese and 1 male crested. Go Figure !!

Well who know maybe I can teach them to just all get along, LOL

But if it come's to that, then I guess we'll be having a goose sooner then expected going into the oven.

OK thanks everyone. We'll let ya all know what the out come is with his legs. hopefully we can get him straightened out.

Ret MSgt
I just slaughtered my goose ninja and I'm cooking a gumbo I loved my goose but he started keeping my roosters from eating he was so mean an now my three roosters are running around flapping wings and all three rooster started crowing today I think the goose was holdin dominance Among the birds ( hens roosters and a duck)but he was my buddy
I just slaughtered my goose ninja and I'm cooking a gumbo I loved my goose but he started keeping my roosters from eating he was so mean an now my three roosters are running around flapping wings and all three rooster started crowing today I think the goose was holdin dominance Among the birds ( hens roosters and a duck)but he was my buddy
I guess I am just a big baby I can not slaughter my geese and eat them! NO WAY!!!!
Well RuRu I don't like killing any animal I raised either, but the fact remains the same we raise chickens, ducks, geese for eggs and of course to eat. So eventually we have to (as they call it) processe some. Here is a TRUE story, my daughter who was about 10 at the time got followed home by a female pitbull puppy. She was a real sweetheart, well we found out latyer on that a stray male dog got into our back yard and had his way with her. She was maybe 11 months old at the time. I was really ****** when I found this out and figured there goes even more money on some STRAY. Well she had 5 adorable puppies but she got poisoned by my one A&*%Hole neighbor and I had to put her down, TRUST ME when I say this when I shot her I cried my eyes out. I am now 53 yr old and everytime I think about that I tear up. The bottom line is what is necessary and what is a waste.

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