Got my meyer Chicks in :)


10 Years
May 9, 2012
Northeast ohio
Got 13 chicks in all, I know for sure I have 1 silver laced wyandotte, 2 golden laced wyandotte, 4 new hampshire reds, and 6 suprise assortment birds, any guesses to what you see! cant wait to see how they grow!

It's hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure I see a couple Barred Rocks in there! Those head spots give them away every time.

Yeah!! I thought that too...those are some great egg layers...and man these birds are active!! A lot different then any bird we have gotten from tsc....I got home today and these guys were darting all around the box just loving life and 4 of them came running up to the boys to be held ( they spent an hour with them when they got home from school before martial arts)
@madisonjar , that would be wonderful if they were Barred Rocks! I have two, and they are absolute sweethearts. Definitely one of my very favorite breeds, and I would absolutely recommend them to anyone looking for pets! Here are Baby and Petra as chicks and adults:

I know exactly what you mean, because nearly all our birds are Meyer's (we live about an hour away from their facility), and they are so different from 6 that we got from our local Rural King. Extremely friendly and personable, right?

yes thats exactly what they look like I will snap more pictures today, and VERY personable already..this morning when we walked in instead of running to a corner or running away when little hands when into brooder, they actually either ran up to the hand or stayed still to be picked up, which makes it nice for Vent exams and to check the birds over! but also the activity level of these bird are completely different. I am not saying I have had a bad batch of birds (all have lived and I have never lost a chick, prayers that streak continues) just these are def head and shoulders above what I have gotten. Might have to do with being put in a steel bucket at TSC and letting every little kid come up and grab and play with them that had the others off to a bad start at life.
They sound like real characters, the way Barred Rocks should be!
Petra (the larger, lighter hen) somehow has gone lame in one leg, preventing her from getting that fat, fluffy body up on the roost at night, so she's trained ME to put her up whenever she demands it. Lately, her persistence level has skyrocketed to the point where she actually runs out of the coop towards me at dusk when I go out to lock the girls up, yelling the whole way. I couldn't live without her or her adorable antics, same as I couldn't live without Baby. Baby lost an eye at a few days old, giving her a distinguished look that has sort of become her signature. Love them both!

Upon examining the rest of your birds, I think the dark red chick might just be a Partridge Rock. She looks quite similar to Scarlett, my own PR. That girl has grown into a beautiful hen!

As for the other light-colored chicks, they could be a variety of things: Golden Buffs, Buff Orpingtons, or more new Hampshire Reds? It's really difficult to tell at that age.

You will love your Wyandottes! I've got three: Golden Laced, Silver Laced, and Blue Laced Red, and they are all beautiful, as well as incredible layers. As a matter of fact, my Golden girl is a lap chicken....cuddly and loving.
I think you're in for a great time with your birds.



Here's more shots and I am holding her weird because she started to lay down in my hand lol think she was a bit tired.
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I agree it looks like you have two barred rocks, it also looks like the other yellow colored ones could be either buff orpingtons or yellow brahmas.

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