Got my very first EGG!!


Mar 22, 2021
Columbia, TN
:wee I am SO proud!!! I know my newbie-ness is showing, but it's ok. I raised two Barred Plymouth Rock hens from 1 week old and the one named Mattie laid her first egg today at 22 weeks old. Mitzi has always been a little behind Mattie in maturity, but I'm sure she will be laying soon. I just so darn happy!! The egg was about half the size of one from the grocery store, but goodness, I would want my first egg to be small too!! It is a perfectly beautiful egg! Mattie did great! I had a feeling today was the day. She was making quite the fuss this morning and kept going into the laying box over and over. In the bottom pic, Mattie is on the left and Mitzi is on the right. I love my girls :love
I haven't kept our Lab London away from the girls but I have been cautious about how much access he has to them. He doesn't seem to want to hurt them, he's just curious. The hens, now that they are adults, do not seem afraid of him. They would peck his nose if he put it too close to their enclosure, so I don't know what would happen if they all had free access to each other. Maybe I'm being too careful, but I only have two hens and it would break my heart to lose one of them.

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