Got sand? You should!

So my plan in our coop was to use pallets on the floor covered by ply wood (to elevate the floor) then use the heavy duty rubber stall mats that I had for the horses with shavings over it. After reading all of this about sand I would love to use sand.....can the sand be put over the mats? Would drainage then become a problem?
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I'm thinking of tapping holes in a flat shovel for the same reason! I'm feelin' kinda like the ole gray mare these days ... I ain't what I usta be!
I purchased a kitty litter scoop with an extendable handle at a pet store - good luck with your search.


Any long term sand users? I am using sand, and my chicks are young - so alot of little pieces remain.
I am also throwing away alot of sand when scooping.

Will this get better when they get bigger? Or do you still find that little pieces remain?

I am still unsure if I should use sand or wood shavings in our coop. (ours are still in the brooder @ 1month)
Best tool is a Fine Tines fork:


I have one for the horses, and am going to get a "Junior" size for the chicks. I'm going to add a layer of hardware cloth on the top b/c chicken poop is often small enough to go through the tines (even though they are closer together than most manure forks).
Best tool is a Fine Tines fork:

I have one for the horses, and am going to get a "Junior" size for the chicks. I'm going to add a layer of hardware cloth on the top b/c chicken poop is often small enough to go through the tines (even though they are closer together than most manure forks).

That rake looks great. I bought a snake scooper and taped it to a broom stick. This rake is bigger and looks like it would accomplish the job faster. Thanks for this idea.

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