Grain Bin Pea house?


Sep 25, 2017
North Dakota
Hi! Working on ideas for separating my pairs for next year (they will be 2 then) I have some empty grain bins on the property I lease and was thinking of using them for the Pea houses with kennel panels around them for a pen (and netting or tarps over) anyone have experience with this? Would they be too hot in the summer with the doors open? In the winter I'm thinking they will all be able to be back together in the barn? Any advice is appreciated. I can't cut windows since they aren't mine but could leave the roof lid open and have a fan going? There's cement floors. Thanks!
Ok so I see you’re in North Dakota ,close to me in southern Manitoba .

We raised a flock of chicks in our grain bin, the echoes were crazy !!

But the space was nice , we opened the top for air flow and like you said added a run .

It was hot when it hit 30 degrees but they’d just go outside .the cement floors are great for keeping it cooler

I think it’s a good idea ,
Worked for us
Ok so I see you’re in North Dakota ,close to me in southern Manitoba .
We raised a flock of chicks in our grain bin, the echoes were crazy !!
But the space was nice , we opened the top for air flow and like you said added a run .
It was hot when it hit 30 degrees but they’d just go outside .the cement floors are great for keeping it cooler
I think it’s a good idea ,
Worked for us
Hi Neighbor! ok thats what I was worried about it has the oval shaped door up offthe ground but I'm guessing that they should be able to get thru that. lol. I didn't think about the echos, they are right by my horse pasture so they'll just have to get used to it. lol. I was worried about the heat its been so hot this summer and their coop now has a good cross breeze thru it I wasn't sure how it would work with if the top was opened up but I was thinking that with a fan it should keep the air moving anyways. Just trying to figure out how I would add roosts without putting holes in the bin.
Hello !
We had to build free standing roosts ... we actually took pallets made a box , left the front open and lay a2x4 on the top nailed down for a “ roost “

I know it sounds junky but we use what we have and our local vet and hardware store let us take pallets for nothing .

Shavings on the floor for the whole 3 months , a fan would’ve been great but we had no electricity there .

Good luck planning ,
Hopefully no tariffs were put on pallets

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