Granny's gone and done it again

example Lisa. You could nominate Misty for friend once a month but not for friend and spirit or you could nominate her for friend and me for spirit one a month. If you know someone who you think is an educator you CAN nominate them but mods end up picking those. I dont think we wonder around the site enough to know greeters. I dont anyway. cough cough
OR you can nominate 1-4 peeps for spirit or friend . And you dont have to do it every month friend is easiest to get. spirit takes at least 2 people nominating the one person.
Wow, that's awesome, I need to be starting seeds here real soon. I will start them indoors & move them to the green house in April. Nights still get way to cold in the green house & it's too large & expensive to heat it. We use it more for extending our growing season. Was still canning tomatoes in October from it this past fall.
Another unfair issue is the fact that i already have to pick stink bugs and those asian beetles off my plants, In the house!
example Lisa. You could nominate Misty for friend once a month but not for friend and spirit or you could nominate her for friend and me for spirit one a month. If you know someone who you think is an educator you CAN nominate them but mods end up picking those. I dont think we wonder around the site enough to know greeters. I dont anyway. cough cough
Well some of us do a bit of greeting now and then.
I would not want an Angora rabbit. That fluffy fur mats right up.
I’m used to mats. Mom doesn’t brush Lottie out like she should :oops: but I think you can brush and sell the fiber? Not 100% sure.

Good news, i found three guinea eggs in the hoop coop today! Now naturally, i need another incubator!
yay! :wee

Cooler bator :oops:

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