Granny's gone and done it again

Good morning!
Spike was up early doing the rounds.

Not sure if she came by to look for breakfast or complain that her garage door was closed.
Good morning all

Pup's are currently "playing" with a couple ciggie boxes. Foil and plastic have been removed. BUT it give them something free to play with that Beth hasn't tried to "remove" yet.

What I need are a couple of empty plastic pop bottles with wrapper removed. I then put in a bit of dried pasta or rice, makes a nice very cheap NOISY toy that all of my litters have loved to play, pounce, haul around.

Abbo's "parents" are stopping again after 5 pm to see how he is doing. She's got puppy fever almost as bad as I get it. LOL
Plastic soda bottles are fun, but under supervision, ice cubes are hilarious just some ideas, have more :love
guess I missed mornings, My what an exciting night and day !
Cap, If you have your cell on you can you call your DH ? If not you can call someone ! I was enjoying your story up til you got stuck. Scary stuff.
Lisa, Is DD ok ? You never said. I cant imagine that phone call. I would freak out.
Window chickens are the best ! Wishing, sipping your tea from the comfort of your home Who needs TV ? LOL
Twist, Your joke is funny and true to an extent. Everyone gets tired. LOL
Hi grannyland, spent the day yesterday shoveling & snowblowing heavy snow. Thankfully we only got the 8 inches versus the 15. Then I got a call late afternoon from my gd telling me her mom had been in an accident & had totaled her blazer. She wasnt even a 1/8th of a mile from the end of her driveway when it happened. She had just left the house to pickup up the gs from daycare. Just down from her driveway is a sharp corner/blind corner. They also live on a dirt road that isnt 2 car lanes wide. She was coming up on the corner just as a county plow truck was coming around the corner from the other direction completely in her lane. They hit head-on, that was fortunate for her as a side impact with a plow probably would have killed her. She wasn't traveling fast, roads were terribe from the storm, but she was ticketed for not having her vehicle under control. The officer that came out for the accident almost landed on his keester while crossing the corner to her vehicle. The corner was very icy, there was no way she could stop. Of course with bad weather, 2 days worth, police & rescue workers are tapped out. This guy acted like an @SS from the get-go. 2 neighbors & the head of the Road Commission came out & told the officer that no one should be ticketed because the road was a nightmare year around to maintain & that it was notorious for accidents on that corner. Now dd has to take it to court to fight the almost 300 ticket & points on her license. Plus they had just dropped full coverage on the Blazer 6 months prior so she is SOL on a vehichle replacement. I was furious, didnt have a good night last night. Why do people have to be such @sses sometimes, especially when she has a clean driving record.

uffda they are everywhere and they BREED

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