Granny's gone and done it again

Hi Twist, did you get it all figured out ?

yep after a trip to their office and then back home as I forgot my email password. and then about an hour on the phone I am DONE for this quarter, Told the gal I would be talking to her again in about 3 months when the next one is due. Ended up with just a 7cent fee/surcharge for paying by credit card. Still can't figure out how it is cheaper or easier. My time hour and 1/2 plus paying Angie for that time PLUS one of their employee's tied up for over an hour. FLIPPING gov and the idiot representatives who listen/believe what a gov agency tells them.
Twist, for these guys and the small plastic bottles I leave the lid off and put kibbles inside. It works their little brains .

these are the 20 oz bottles been using them for most all of my litters. And one of the pup's has their head hanging over the divider between bedroom and playroom area and sleeping very hard and snoring/gasping for air because of his position.
yep after a trip to their office and then back home as I forgot my email password. and then about an hour on the phone I am DONE for this quarter, Told the gal I would be talking to her again in about 3 months when the next one is due. Ended up with just a 7cent fee/surcharge for paying by credit card. Still can't figure out how it is cheaper or easier. My time hour and 1/2 plus paying Angie for that time PLUS one of their employee's tied up for over an hour. FLIPPING gov and the idiot representatives who listen/believe what a gov agency tells them.
Nothing about government makes sense

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