Granny's gone and done it again

sweet dreams everyone
Well, we used the “f” word and lost three chicks. Looks like a snake. I’m going put up a board where it looks like it came in. :( DD is inconsolable.
Camping, I don't understand why a snake would kill 3 animals it obviously couldn't eat... unless maybe the chicks were picking at it and it was acting in defense. What kind of snake would do this? Only thing around here that kills unnecessarily (besides dogs) are weasels.
The chicks heads look all wet or something.
It just looks so strange and disturbing. :hmm Poor chicks.
The article I pulled that from said lettuces. I’m planting beans with my corn whenever it gets more established. I really want to start it now but the NOMADS kept taking me out of it.

I’m going to try cukes on a wigwam but I need more supports for it because they’re heavier. I have lots of peas and beans too.
Have you’re pecan trees start to blossom. If so you ar3 safe on the frost.
Not anywhere near me, thankfully. Last time we had big rain, the mud slides were down in Santa Barbara, closer to Los Angeles than to me.

Hubs and my #2kid got me some little Cadbury chocolate eggs (4 pakgs!). We found the best place for leftover on sale holiday candy is a CVS that is very close to a senior community. Guessing the old folks have lost their sweet tooth. I'm going to check for more tomorrow. My kids already devoured one of the bags. :( Rotten kids!

Those are so cool. They make the woody-pecker sound too... maniacal laughter. Like this?

Oh camping, so sorry for DD and those little chicks. The curse of the f-word strikes again. :( Kind of makes you want to invoke the other f-word. :hit

Well, my dad just called and the turkey is done early, so he is on his way over. Guess my byc break is over for now. Thought I was catching up, but you all keep adding pages, so still about 20 behind... for now.:frow
What is the other f word.?

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