Granny's gone and done it again

Well I didnt switch , Its just what I had. The babies in the barn are doing good and one of them is a serama. Dont as what the other 3 are. Funky birds. Right up my alley.
I would build an avery(sp) for the hawk and teach it to hunt mice .
Poor Robert. :gig I hope his life is way easier then mine . So far it has been but I hear stuff come out of his mouth that scares me. Im glad no one else has heard him. That boy has such a strong umm, dont know the right word , for people doing the right thing and it has to be HIS kinda right (how he sees things) or they are worthless people that dont deserve to live.

It's like most things (swallowing toothpaste, dogs eating raisins, chickens eating just about anything), most of the time it will be okay, but if you have a weak or susceptible chick, it will put extra stress on them. My broodies ate chick starter when they had chicks. Not laying then anyway, so no biggie.
Also, the Serama rooster has been on layer feed for about a year now with no visible side effects.
Risk-loss assessment? :idunno You can only do what you can do.

I would rather have the professionals raise the hawk. I want it to live wild as it should, and if I raised it, it would end up a pet and get killed trying to follow me when I drive into town. :(

My older is the same as Robert. All or nothing. My way or the highway. I am trying to mellow him. Ha! Such a strong will for someone with such little live experience. Him going out into the world will change some of that some day.
It's like most things (swallowing toothpaste, dogs eating raisins, chickens eating just about anything), most of the time it will be okay, but if you have a weak or susceptible chick, it will put extra stress on them. My broodies ate chick starter when they had chicks. Not laying then anyway, so no biggie.
Also, the Serama rooster has been on layer feed for about a year now with no visible side effects.
Risk-loss assessment? :idunno You can only do what you can do.

I would rather have the professionals raise the hawk. I want it to live wild as it should, and if I raised it, it would end up a pet and get killed trying to follow me when I drive into town. :(

My older is the same as Robert. All or nothing. My way or the highway. I am trying to mellow him. Ha! Such a strong will for someone with such little live experience. Him going out into the world will change some of that some day.
always the wise one Wishing. Of course I would rather the hawk live free the way nature intended. I am just bored . Wanting some excitement in my life. I would be just as tickled w/ a parakeet.
Im not going to rush out and buy chick starter. I hope it makes it but if it dont I wont feel bad for not going . I think I had problems last time I had chicks in the house. Cant remember. It might be the cage. Too little to put outside w/ the other babies. That would be a death sentence for sure.
Size comparison!
I took more pictures today of the rabbits. Then I find out the person interested lives 3 hours away! Sigh. Someone else wanted pictures of the young tolbunts, they are a mess due to the rain. She wants pullets, and I think the older youngsters are both cockerels.
I am considering culling a lot of the young cockerels, there are way too many of them and I need space. Plus hubby has been complaining about excessive crowing.

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