Granny's gone and done it again

Wishing, I bought the fish for Tom. LOL He likes fish too. He can put it on his desk. I found gravel outside and got it washed, have some water setting out for tomorrow. Blue gravel Red fish

That's nice. He will have a friend in his room.
I think its something he can take care of and will give him something to do but if not its not a big deal to change the water. I already have everything he needs. Little net, food, ect.. I have small plants but thought I would leave that up to him. I think he scored !
I think its something he can take care of and will give him something to do but if not its not a big deal to change the water. I already have everything he needs. Little net, food, ect.. I have small plants but thought I would leave that up to him. I think he scored !
He will love it!

I heard a 21 yr old man died on 421 yesterday. Hope that dont come in 3s.
It's very sad. Terrible if it's hitting the same place more than once.

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