Granny's gone and done it again

I like Jane's idea of a plant in a bowl. I have a big glass globe I used to keep a couple of goldfish in. Cleaned it every other week. A plant would make it perfect and lots of surface area for the betta. I don't want to listen to a pump.

Can you keep a female with a male for company or will he harass her too much?
Keep bettas alone. Whee. At the airport. They shuffled our flights. Only two flights! Skipping New York.

They seem ambitious on board time. Supposed to depart in half an hour. Not boarding yet. Whee.

Twist I want pictures of curly sue!!
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I like Jane's idea of a plant in a bowl. I have a big glass globe I used to keep a couple of goldfish in. Cleaned it every other week. A plant would make it perfect and lots of surface area for the betta. I don't want to listen to a pump.

Can you keep a female with a male for company or will he harass her too much?
You can only keep a female with the male if she is in breeding condition.
Wishing, they weren’t mocking birds. Made something like a squirrel bark. Both parents were keeping it fed and watched over.


Bubba loved it and even though I told him to leave it alone, he kept trying to touch it.
Morning all, No rest for the wicked ya know.
I have been reading betta for 3 days now and it seriously depends on who you ask if they will stay together but consensus says no. The male will build a bubble nest mate her then hurt her protecting HIS nest. They also say they need a min of 5 gal just for one but you can add a small cory that stays at the bottom. Or a snail. Bettas have lungs allowing them to get their oxygen from the air so they dont have to have a filter but it would be best if you did because the ammonia will still burn their skin. And if you intend to set a fish free dont put it in a port-a-potty. It will not reach the sea but will come back as a ghost and haunt you.

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