Granny's gone and done it again

Something to strive for
There is another one of these floating around that I was looking for so I could give it to my husband that said Wise was the man who said " *Bleep* this *Bleep* and moved to Missouri" but naturally when Christmas shopping time rolled around I couldn't find it.

You can...ummmm....fill in the *bleeps* on your own, I don't want to get banned.:oops:
thank you for caring MC. :hugs It actually does my heart good to know Im not the only one missing this.
I have no tree, no cookies, but just like The Who in whoville. Christmas is in your heart. Get out the Bible and read the story in luke. That is what is important. Celebrating Christ birth
It's tough trying to do stuff and be in the 'spirit' of things when you are hurting. Ask me, I know. Don't feel bad, Granny. The best gift you can do for yourself is to listen to your body and like I said, sometimes it is perfectly all right to complain. We love you and care about you and we all have at least one good shoulder that isn't arthritic for you to lean on when you need to and even when you don't need to.

I agree with @h2oratt. Christmas is in your heart. And the book of Luke tells the story the best.
Howdys all, I came home and fell asleep. Thank you for all the kind words.
Well, Toms foot dr. is retiring and theres not another one in Madison. Not sure what we will do.
I got my battery and boy its a good thing I didnt buy any presents! @pertnear09 was right about the prices. It cost me $170.00 Robert said that was on line prices and they would be different in the stores. He was right.
Im broke again and out of gas for the van. Good thing Nancy is taking me tomorrow. I will offer her gas money next month I guess. I hate to do that but she wont mind.
Oh, and its a whopping 2 year battery. :rolleyes:
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