Granny's gone and done it again

any more frozen pipes? I was wondering if I should let a faucet drip tomorrow night. supposed to be -5.

It probably would NOT hurt what with Trailer type pipes and insulation.

AND NO thank God!!! no burst pipes. as least not as yet.
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Morning @troyer and everyone else.

I spent yesterday battening down everything for the 'bomb cyclone' winter storm that is supposed to hit here tonight. Extra plastic over the windows in the coop and pop door, new water heater for the main coop, blah blah blah.

Then we brought in almost a face cord of firewood and stacked it in the shop. I guess from what the weather forecast is saying, there are going to be wind gust up to 40MPH and up to 4 inches of snow so blizzard conditions, along with dangerous wind chills in the -38 range here. We have no desire to hump out to the barn and bring in firewood in those temps not when the shop is closer and best of all inside.

Have to admit I am worried about how my birds will fare through all of it. My coop is an old shed with questionable foundation. I have plenty of bedding down but now I am just praying that everything holds together.

Plans for today? Baking cookies. Not too many, neither of us need them but pinwheel sugar cookies and oatmeal raisin and choco chips so busy busy. Told DH that if we lose power I can always cook meals on the stove but our oven is electric so I'm going to err on the side of caution and get the baking done today.
Not supposed to hit us till noon tomorrow. Cold is gonna last through the weekend, but only about 3 hours of blizzard condition snow. We're all battened down here, too. Had The Kid fill up the wood box as high as his head. Cleaned out the wood stove and started a new fire. Think we're ready ... hope downed branches don't knock the power out. Barring that, we should be good. 🙏🙏🙏

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