grannys gone and done it

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Eggsessive, Enola, thank you. yes, its on. be there at 10 and surgery at 11 am thank you for the prayers , thank you too Mike ! and the well wishes. it means a lot to me . I normally dont bad mouth people, i dont. but i feel like this needs to be said. None of my family members has called or expressed one oz. of care for me. people i have never meet but i am sure knows me better then they do have expressed their concern and well wishes to me and that makes me happy. my daughter and her children did but i have 4 sisters and tons of others that have not. sometimes it is a very cold world. you guys put warmth in my heart. thank you. and now that you have made me cry (shame on you) i am going to take my shower early. i think its gonna be a long night.
Let me add more good wishes for your surgery tomorrow, granny! When I am making lunches for school in the morning, I will be thinking of you, all doped up!
Try not to hurt the dr too much!! Hope all goes smoothly for you.
It will all be worth it when you can eventually walk without pain.

Quick bit of good news for me, I sold the red cockerel today! It's not the money, I only asked $5, but he went to a good home with a little boy that was holding and petting him. Warmed my heart to see.
dont cry enola, thats my job
thank you for the wishes Wishing4wings, I am now totally sick to my stomach, nerves i would say. it is going to be a very long night. i almost have 15000 views on this post, i hope i hit it before morning. lol, reminds me of the Steve Martin movie, the jerk, IM Somebody !!! hahaa dumb movie for sure but it had its moments.
Best of luck with your surgery tomorrow! I'm here too and will be thinking of you and saying a prayer. Here's a picture to cheer you up, our little Buddy


OMG !!! Suzierd, is this you?? dont tell anyone but there is a rat crawling up your leg. lol that is too much cuteness look at them jaws, not another bite would fit in there. you made me smile, can you relieve this nausea ?
I am sure this will be the weirdest request i have ever made but suzierd, i need that shirt. lol it is just awesome, the way it is made. there are no shopping places around here for clothes except wal-mart and a couple little places . catos i think. i wonder, and i am going to rat myself out here. if they sell them in a tent size ?

Me and mystery ( who should of been a lavender cochin )
are hoping you have a very un eventful experience and a fast recovery
well, i am just tickled pink ! lol what a cutie. no ideas on what it may be? does it have black skin and extra toe? i dont see any cochin Thank you
well, i am just tickled pink ! lol  what a cutie. no ideas on what it may be? does it have black skin and extra toe? i dont see any cochin  Thank you :hugs

I'm thinking silkie, black feet and skin not counted toes
Its funny you say tickled pink that's my eBay name!
Pinkaboo and tickled pink are both pink panther cartoon titles

How are the nerves?
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