grannys gone and done it

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Not too bad from the side, but wouldn't trap many flies after a freezing winter. There are plenty places out here that don't get below freezing often, my county included. The high temps cause more problems.

Yes North Dakota has a very strong , and large cattlemen's @ss. (both the abbreviated and other type) Seriously you can't even abreivate association without BYC nanny patrol blanking out the word.
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Money talks. Sadly.
The food at the hospital in Greenwwood SC is actually very good. Mike doesn't even complain when he is on a special diet. They even have a menu that the patients can study then call the Dietician and order what they want.
Are any of the yaks bred? What do they do pregnancy tests at the state line? How are you supposed to get a bull?

The seller will have to get the cows vet tested with accompianing paperwork claiming they are bred. The bull is registered so just he tirc test I think a lot of this is because of madcow and cattle ranching is very big in North Dakota. I believe there is even a $2.00 per head "check off" fee for every animal sold thru a livestock ring all that money goes to the cattlemen's association as well.

He had posted that 1 was bred but he also posted he wasn't interested in breaking up the herd. So not sure where we are at.
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I tend to go around or bend the rules if I don't agree with them. BUT with my GOOD NEIGHBOR I have to make sure every i is dotted and t crossed. Because sure as crap stinks he's gonna turn me in for having yaks.
Did MRI early this am. Still haven't heard the results. I guess if they're gonna do anything it will be tomorrow dice I just had lunch. There were 2 unidentifiable substances on the tray.I feel like I'm eating school food. Lol

I would put the dog down asap before Robert gets too attached.

So good to hear Beth is doing well. :)

Wet silkies look like chickens that have been toilet papered before it rained. Or used snot rags. Lol
Lol Linda they sure do, my 2 white ones were a muddy drenched mess. I toweled them off and put them in the coop to dry. Please let us know your results when you hear. I know there is a lot of us praying for you.

Another thing I thought about after I posted to granny about Lily. Is that she has young grandkids that come over. One being a toddler, very scary thought of them both in a room together. Yikes :oops:
 I tend to go around or bend the rules if I don't agree with them.   BUT with my GOOD NEIGHBOR I have to make sure every i is dotted and t  crossed.  Because sure as crap stinks he's gonna turn me in for having yaks.   
Twist you sound like my hubby. Build first, pay fines later :lau Not that he isn't a very good builder. He doesn't just throw up junk.
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