grannys gone and done it

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Quiet day today, which is good, because I've had a headache. Need a good night's sleep. Maybe a margarita will help!
mornings, I think I got all my sleep out. fell asleep in my chair for hrs. Tom woke me up , fell back asleep and Robert woke me up to go to bed . slept all night.
I have to go get meds today and maybe mow. I dont know how I feel yet. LOL
looks like its going to be a pretty day out there. dew everywhere right now.
So Bandit just wont stop barking. He does it all day long. He is on everyones nerves. Keeps waking Robert up. He is barking at nothing and everything. He hears another dog outside bark and they talk for an hr. He barked at the freezer for 10 mins. this am. Nothing new on it , nothing behind it.
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