grannys gone and done it

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i have plenty of time to turn them.I put cheesecloth on the bottom do you think that will help?slipping is what i worried about.Yes there is a cover for the water.He may bring the eggs tomorrow do i leave them sitting for awhile before putting them in? I turned on the bator when i got it.everything works   it has a fan and temp went to 99.3 in 10 minutes.

If they have not been through the post Danna they should be OK to set straight away :highfive:
Cheese cloth should be fine, as your hand turning they should not slip about too much but I would recommend the shelf liner for hatch. This way the chicks won't slip about.
Hi everyone :frow

Buc won t let me post. Trying again.

morning every one   was here earlier but BYC  was pulling its usual antics 

Hope you are both well? Have you cleared out your cache/browser history from your computer? Also are you on an up to date browser? If not this link has some new browser links in ~
Hope they help and things run more more smoothly for you :fl

I wonder why I never have problems? With byc

Could be that you are up to date with browser and updates on your computer?

A desperate looking woman stood poised on the edge of a high cliff about to jump off.

A filthy tramp wandering by stopped and said, "Look, since you'll be dead in a few minutes,

and it won't matter to you, so how about a little sex before you jump?"

She screamed, "No! Bug off you filthy old *******!"

He shrugged and turned away saying, "Okay, I'll just go and wait at the bottom."

She didn't jump.

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