GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

Hee hee. Yes no longer a rooster, technically. I cannot prove to the township proof of castration. However my stupid neighbor is not going to be easy to educate on the differences either. He flat out harassed the board of health about my hens. He lost

How about dubbing him? You wouldn't have to take him all the way to game bird nothing, but you could make them a bit smaller and less obvious to the neighbor. If you already caponized him, I don't see an issue about trimming a little skin back, it has to be less traumatic than opening his body cavity.
How about dubbing him? You wouldn't have to take him all the way to game bird nothing, but you could make them a bit smaller and less obvious to the neighbor. If you already caponized him, I don't see an issue about trimming a little skin back, it has to be less traumatic than opening his body cavity.

That is an option.....I was hoping he would just shrink down by now
I've had a few requests to order capon tools, so I'm going to place an order if there are four or five more sets requested. The double set has tools for cockerels as well as roosters. There is a small set that is universal (medium sized for large and small birds), and there is a medium set that has more tools than the small set but is universal (rib dilator meant to be used for small as well as large birds). Please send me a PM if you are interested in ordering or have questions regarding the sets.
I've had a few requests to order capon tools, so I'm going to place an order if there are four or five more sets requested. The double set has tools for cockerels as well as roosters. There is a small set that is universal (medium sized for large and small birds), and there is a medium set that has more tools than the small set but is universal (rib dilator meant to be used for small as well as large birds). Please send me a PM if you are interested in ordering or have questions regarding the sets.

Yep...If you plan to get tools, Poco Pollo takes good care of you. I got a double set last order and am very satisfied!!

I'm looking into learning the skill. When do you guys normally do the clinics, and where are they at? Is there anyone here located in Louisiana near Baton Rouge? Thanks guys.
Got my third ever batch scheduled for Friday. Just put them in their starving cages (lol sounds like something out of a horror movie!) since for some reason all my birds have a tendency to eat dirt and rocks when I put them on the ground to starve.

I've got 2 Rock/Orp crosses, 1 GLW/Orp, 2 Dark Cornish, 1 Buff Orp, and my two older boys are an EE and a Cochin/Brahma. I have no clue if they are too old (they're both maybe 4-5 months) but the worst that can happen is they might die, so... not much difference than what would otherwise happen (I've already got 12 roos, I don't need more!)






Wish me luck! Hoping I'll have just as good of success rate as my first batch... and preferably nothing like my 2nd one. But none of these are bantams so I can't imagine it'll be near so bad.
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I've had a few requests to order capon tools, so I'm going to place an order if there are four or five more sets requested.  The double set has tools for cockerels as well as roosters.  There is a small set that is universal (medium sized for large and small birds), and there is a medium set that has more tools than the small set but is universal (rib dilator meant to be used for small as well as large birds).  Please send me a PM if you are interested in ordering or have questions regarding the sets.

How long do you expect it to be until you'll have enough to place an order? I may or not order some, depending on how my batch of 8 goes on Friday using Nasco tools... do you think you'll still be accepting orders by then?
How long do you expect it to be until you'll have enough to place an order? I may or not order some, depending on how my batch of 8 goes on Friday using Nasco tools... do you think you'll still be accepting orders by then?
Send me a PM Friday after you use your Nasco set. Let me know then if you are interested in the Chinese tools. I need at least two more tool set requests before I place the whole order, otherwise the international shipping will be too high.
An update of our ongoing capon project with comparison of intact siblings:
Used this for two years
Parent 1 (P1)

Dark Cornish Cock Delaware Pullet
Family 1 (F1)
Sexlinked results
Whites are cockerals Red/Brown are pullets
Used for capons sold as pullets

Since the DC has a pea comb the sexlink ability enables positive identity of cockerals. The DC give shape characteristics, and the Del brings in a quicker development. Final carcass weight at processing time (22 weeks) is between 4.5 and 5 pounds.

Current Program
Dark Cornish Cock Welp Slow White Broiler Pullet
Family 1 (F1)
Cockeral all caponed 4 pullets held for program
Retained one F1 cock all large birds
Note: this entire batch of capons were lost to Mareks at 17 weeks
Dark Cornish Cock F1 Pullets
Family 2 (F2)
Cockeral all caponed sold most pullets
See weight note 3 pullets held for program
Sampling weight of two random 19 week old live birds was 10.3 #s and 9.8#s, date was 20150302 so after four years we are at the weight we have been trying to obtain. We will continue with this regiment.
Thus far all birds have been reared by the same
(P1)-DC cock. The retained F1 cockeral has exceeded the size of (P1).
Currently 20150310 collecting eggs from the above (F1) cock and (F2) pullets. Hopeful, but results won’t be available for 8 months.
20151001- Results for above 20150310. Processed 12 birds, (1 pullet, 3 intact cocks, 8 capons.
Carcass weights for intact siblings avg was 6.3 #’s, (6.0 – 6.5). Carcass weights for capons avg 6.8#’s (6.0 – 8.4). Weights are cleaned carcass without necks and excess abdominal fat removed. Fat was rendered for 1.5 quarts of Schmaltz.
Other details for above 12 birds: 540 #’s feed/ 74#’s cleaned carcass= feed to weight ratio = 7.3# to 1#. Our feed costs equates to $2.76 per pound. All carcass’ are well proportioned and in excellent condition.

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