Graphic, prolapsed vent?

cottontail farm

9 Years
Dec 26, 2014
Rural NW Pa
I did not do an autopsy but probably should have. I culled this hen this evening, she was hunched up and the red bulge was quite bigger while she was alive and not on her back. After she was dead I was pressing on her abdomen and felt an egg right above the vent that seemed to be stuck sideways. Was this what people call a prolapse or something different?
A necropsy is probably not worth the money or time (if you do it yourself). There is a possibility that something "scary" was stressing her out. Or she may have had a disease. Haven't seen that in my flock.

Does any of your other flock show signs of anything similar?

Are you somewhere hot? And did she have access to water? She looks a bit dehydrated.

But like I said, could be a disease, I'm not a pro at sickness...
A necropsy is probably not worth the money or time (if you do it yourself). There is a possibility that something "scary" was stressing her out. Or she may have had a disease. Haven't seen that in my flock.

Does any of your other flock show signs of anything similar?

Are you somewhere hot? And did she have access to water? She looks a bit dehydrated.

But like I said, could be a disease, I'm not a pro at sickness...

All of the other quail got looked at and are fine. I've had quail for years and this is a first for me. Yes, it's been super hot here, everyone's water gets checked twice a day and she was never without. Ugh, hopefully this was just a fluke.
Yes, this is a prolapse. Was likely egg bound. Why did you cull?
This was my first time seeing this. I culled because her posture indicated she was in pain, it looked horrible and from what I can remember reading about (with chickens anyway) she was likely to keep prolapsing with each future egg. It's also super hot here and (sorry, gross) flies would have been a concern.
Yeah, prolapse can be tricky (especially in older hens). Dehydration can lead to egg binding—I'd check your waterers in case of a leak. If it happens again, you can try to get the egg out (warm water soaks, calcium, abdomen massage, etc.) then push the prolapse in after applying some hydrocortisone. If it won't stay in, then culling is the only option.

Sorry she got injured—hope the rest of your flock stays healthy!

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