Grass - Appropriate Bedding?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Northeast Iowa
Would grass (the grass in piles after you mow) be good bedding for ducks? Compared to wood shavings, at least. Would it be better for ducklings? It would be safer would it not?
Not necessarily. Are there pesticides used on the grass? Also, I have had grass get moldy, and I aim to avoid mold with ducklings or ducks.

Perhaps your grass is very dry and does not mold. I forget that not everyone lives in the humid northeast.

If there are no pesticides, herbicides, and it is well dried and not moldy, then the only other concern would be if the ducklings eat it, them getting compacted. So if they have been getting chick sized grit, that would not be a problem.

Those are my thoughts.
No pesticides, I could dry the grass yes, I will make sure they have grit before I switch @Amiga Thanks! really helpful
As Amiga said, be very very careful with mowed grass. If it has any wetness to it, it will ferment very quickly. And that can be deadly to ducks. Or pretty much most critters. Plus, I'd be worried if there might be some kind of weed in it that might be toxic if ingested.

Personally, I would not go that route if it were me with the little ones. Too many things can happen.......................
Would grass (the grass in piles after you mow) be good bedding for ducks? Compared to wood shavings, at least. Would it be better for ducklings? It would be safer would it not?

If you have chickens AND ducks the grass will be GONE. My chickens love grass as a daily treat. And ducks too.
Yeah, I'd think the ducks would go nuts...sleeping on food? They have a hard enough time settling down at night as it is. I have a tick problem and I'd hate to accidentally bring that into their cage, weather they'd eat it or not.
I've seen a few people on here talk about laying out freshly mowed grass on tarps to let it dry for a few days. When it is completely dry then you can use it as bedding. To me it wouldn't be worth all the work.

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