Grass clippings


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
Last week I put some of my grass clipping in the Chicken Run. They seem to like them and eat some of them. I do not fertilize or any thing to my yard.
Does anyone else do this?
It does make good litter in the run.
The run was fully grassed but it only lasted about a week with 6 hens and 2 roosters on it.
Hope to get some temp runs built some so that they can get fresh grass.
I do once in a while, usually after I've raked out the run. They seem to enjoy it.
I found that the girls love the really short clippings. If it is over 3" high, I will double cut it, rake it and pour it in the run.. I don't use any chemicals on my garden or my yard so they get a little of everything..

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