Great Depression of 2016

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How old are you that are calling all illegal immigrants criminals and suggesting they defiled our land and took over our jobs, etc etc? I am still in high school and spent the last four years discussing the history of America as well as several other countries, and as far as I can tell, America does pretty well ourselves going places we don't belong and taking over. I'm an American and I lean on the Republican side as many here seem to. However, deciding and labeling that an entire group of people are basically vermin is incredibly rude and narrow minded. Do I think the vast majority need to probably go back to their native country? Yes of course I do. Americans however commit plenty of our own violent crimes and drug issues. I live all around the Amish who are about as "American" as you get around here and their drug problems are outrageous, you would not believe. Do I say then, that the Amish are an invasion and the scum of the country, ruining our tax dollars and should return to Europe? No! Believe as you will about an individual, but as a "child" I ask you all to be mature and control your harmful words against an entire group of people who do the minimum wage jobs the rest of us self-righteous Americans refuse to do ourselves. I will not stand for hate and ignorance. That is all.

Would it matter how old I am? I'm against illegal invaders in my country, regardless of their background.

I'll stick to calling them illegal invading criminals, since that is what they are.

Nothing more and certainly nothing less.

"hate and intolerance"? Of course! Why would I love and tolerate folks invading and damaging my Country?! How insensitive of me!
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I have no bitterness, I have sadness.

I think we should do what needs to be done for the security of our Nation and our children.

Doing the right thing in their interests is not always a pleasant or easy experience.

Illegals have no respect for our laws, our culture and they certainly have no great love for us, given the incessant violence they bring throughout our Country.

I do not weep for illegals or their offspring. My tears and generosity are reserved for the millions of victims, particularly children, who have been tortured and killed in the United States because we have refused to put boots to backside and evict the criminals who have spread like a plague over our Nation.

If you went into another Country and took what you have no right to, would you have respect for those you are taking from? Of course not.

Why would you respect a doormat?

I have no respect for them or what they have done to my Country.

That is not bitter, that is common sense.

Oh hey kind of like exactly what we did to the Native Americans when we came here?? Except about a trillion times worse?? Watch your words. This is incredibly rude. I speak as an American myself and one of those "victim children". This is why everyone hates Americans, including myself. Why is it okay for our country to take over all others and that's just Manifest Destiny, but if even one person comes here out of line it is a horrible plague? Yeah. That's what I thought. I hope you someday understand how hurtful your words could be to someone who wanted to come here to live the American Dream but did not have the resources. Because we don't give them the resources. Why should they respect someone who doesn't respect them? Where WHERE is the love and grace?????
Oh hey kind of like exactly what we did to the Native Americans when we came here?? Except about a trillion times worse?? Watch your words. This is incredibly rude. I speak as an American myself and one of those "victim children". This is why everyone hates Americans, including myself. Why is it okay for our country to take over all others and that's just Manifest Destiny, but if even one person comes here out of line it is a horrible plague? Yeah. That's what I thought. I hope you someday understand how hurtful your words could be to someone who wanted to come here to live the American Dream but did not have the resources. Because we don't give them the resources. Why should they respect someone who doesn't respect them? Where WHERE is the love and grace?????

What did the Native Americans do when we came here? Oh right! They killed us, so much so that the bodies of those buried at Jamestowne had to be buried within the walls of the fort because of the Indians treating us as invaders!

Yet a suggestion of relocation of invaders is out of line? LOL!

Everyone hates Americans? Why would I want those people in my Country and using our resources meant for our people then?

Respect? Respect for invading forces in America? Ones who tell me to "watch my words"? Why would I respect that?

Where has common sense gone!?

Furthermore, since you are part of the class in discussion, please do elaborate on why I should respect anyone who openly states that they hate Americans.
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Wait a minute here. Tucson was founded in 1700, years before the Revolutionary War. It was a Mexican and Indian town for years. Spanish has been spoken in the South West for a lot longer than English. That goes for Texas also. The Texas Republic was a creature of Anglos and Mexicans. Read your history.

The English speaking people didn't show up until the latter half of the nineteenth century. Let's deport them!

During the Civil War, Tucson went with the Confederacy despite being almost entirely Mexican and Indian. There were a few Anglos and Chinese around, but not many.

The only Civil War battle in Arizona occurred at Picacho Peak.
Wait a minute here. Tucson was founded in 1700, years before the Revolutionary War. It was a Mexican and Indian town for years. Spanish has been spoken in the South West for a lot longer than English. That goes for Texas also. The Texas Republic was a creature of Anglos and Mexicans. Read your history.

The English speaking people didn't show up until the latter half of the nineteenth century. Let's deport them!

During the Civil War, Tucson went with the Confederacy despite being almost entirely Mexican and Indian. There were a few Anglos and Chinese around, but not many.

The only Civil War battle in Arizona occurred at Picacho Peak.
Oh hey kind of like exactly what we did to the Native Americans when we came here?? Except about a trillion times worse?? Watch your words. This is incredibly rude. I speak as an American myself and one of those "victim children". This is why everyone hates Americans, including myself. Why is it okay for our country to take over all others and that's just Manifest Destiny, but if even one person comes here out of line it is a horrible plague? Yeah. That's what I thought. I hope you someday understand how hurtful your words could be to someone who wanted to come here to live the American Dream but did not have the resources. Because we don't give them the resources. Why should they respect someone who doesn't respect them? Where WHERE is the love and grace?????
Rice, its nice to see one of our younger members jumping it to one of these political debates. I miss seeing Q9 here. Yalls opinion means a lot. Age matters a lot. We are the past an most of us are set in our ways but you are our future. The future is everything. I wish more of our future were in to political issues enough to be informed an have a though out opinion.
Wait a minute here. Tucson was founded in 1700, years before the Revolutionary War. It was a Mexican and Indian town for years. Spanish has been spoken in the South West for a lot longer than English. That goes for Texas also. The Texas Republic was a creature of Anglos and Mexicans. Read your history.

The English speaking people didn't show up until the latter half of the nineteenth century. Let's deport them!

During the Civil War, Tucson went with the Confederacy despite being almost entirely Mexican and Indian. There were a few Anglos and Chinese around, but not many.

The only Civil War battle in Arizona occurred at Picacho Peak.

The United States did not exist until English speaking Europeans arrived. Kind of hard to argue for deportation from your own Country, only to surrender it lock, stock and barrel like some kind of a gift to those who did not have a hand in creating it or benefiting it.

Some have made contributions to the United States and that should be taken into account.

The rest do not belong in the United States.

Regardless, this is off topic and is only going to lead to a thread lock, so let's get back on track, shall we?
Rice, its nice to see one of our younger members jumping it to one of these political debates. I miss seeing Q9 here. Yalls opinion means a lot. Age matters a lot. We are the past an most of us are set in our ways but you are our future. The future is everything. I wish more of our future were in to political issues enough to be informed an have a though out opinion.

So her opinion that she hates Americans means a lot?

I'm 23, which hardly makes me elderly, but why are you valuing the opinion of someone who hates Americans and touting it like it is something to be proud of?
So her opinion that she hates Americans means a lot?

I'm 23, which hardly makes me elderly, but why are you valuing the opinion of someone who hates Americans and touting it like it is something to be proud of?

Well now we can say goodbye to this thread as one is now attacking another for defending the opinion of yet sorry. It was a good debate until this.
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