Great Depression of 2016

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12 Years
Jul 14, 2009
East central Illinois
Who keeps up on these kinds of predictions? Ex Fed Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake will openly state if the interest rate is increased 2%,this will trigger a world wide recession,and the worst ecomomic Depression the United States has ever had. Since world trade is based on the US Dollar,if our country fails,many others will follow suit.

With Pres Obama wanting to increase our debt ceiling limit 7 Trilion dollars higher than last year alone,and almost double what it was for 2012,how will our country ever dig it's way out? With over 1% of the workforce being employed by the US Govt,(as we found out this week thru shutdowns) don't this tell us our Govt is too big?

Why is Russia,North Korea,China,and the USA trying to buy all the gold they can at this very moment? You can't keep printing paper money and spending more than is taken in.I'm no economics major,but I remember very well all the stories my grandparents told me they endured with rationed items during World War2,and living thru the Great Depression.What they told me then I just shrugged off as a funny story.How most of the food they had they raised in the garden every year and canned most of it.How they raised chickens and other farm livestock for food themselves,and to sell to make ends meet to anyone who actually had money to buy anything. Now these funny stories they told me as I was a teenager is coming full circle 30 years later. Granted the Great Depression was partly caused by a crooked,unregulated stock market whose House of Cards took everything down with them. But there are so many parallel events and signs occuring now that all will lead to the same end result.

Many other economics majors knows this is coming as well,and all say 2016 it will begin.One man who did speak his mind on this subject has been banned from many Television networks such as FOX News and MSNBC but in a candid interview a few nights ago,on a network he is not banned from he says to prepare now for the worst economic disaster our present generations will ever see.

My wife has given me heck for many years for planting a large garden. She finds it strange that I like raising poultry,and have raised cattle and pigs previously.But if the writings on the wall,those of us that know what it takes to be self sufficient may be in a much better position if such a catastrophic event occurs.Living and growing up on a farm,raising your own meat and vegetables is "unknowns" to people and children in most of todays generations.Going to the store and buying everything you need will not be possible.

I've been told that your life is like a roll of toilet paper.As you get older time seems to fly by much more quickly,just as a roll of tp goes faster,and gets smaller.Eventually the roll of TP is gone.This is the reference to the end of your life as well. Those stories told to me as a young kid decades ago when time was so slow,now surface daily as time flies by in a fast lane society when I watch what is happening in the world,as a whole.We can only hope this prediction is something we nor our children,and our grandchildren will never have to endure.But with the cards laying out on the table,it's clear the path we are heading in cannot be solved in a short amount of time.Enter politics and what can be gained in a few years time,can all be washed away with a new election,plunging us back in a position we are experiencing today.

When I was growing up as a teen,not many in my class lived on a farm,and I live in Illinois in one of the top 3 corn-soybean producing counties in the state.We did have a small FFA chapter of about 25 kods coming from all 4 classes in High School.From what I know now,my same high school barely has enough interested kids to have a FFA Charter.We once had a Career Center that had shop classes such as ag mechanics,auto mechanics,welding,ect. That has since been closed because of no or too low of kids enrolling to take those classes.I'm glad I valued my education enough to apply what I learned then to use in everyday life today.Farming is the grass roots of living.And if tough times are ahead,I think me and my families position is much more capable of self sustaining no matter what hand we are dealt. Be thankful of the free knowledge given here and apply it well.Who knows,we may all need it much sooner than we ever thought of,with a reason we thought would never happen again.
I'm with you on this! Our world is in a very scary situation for sure. Its not just the U.S., its all over. But, I like you, agree it starts here in our country. We the people, need to take our country back, plain and simple! I think that you'd agree with me on this too. Lets just pray we all come out of this alright.
That is scary, but ringing with the truth. If anyone has to space, investing in small livestock would be a smart move. Not "show" stock that requires grain and lots of chemical worming to look their best, but old heritage breeds that can get by on forage, produce their young and raise a lamb, kid, piglet or calf for you to eat. Even chickens or other poultry would be better than nothing. Plant fruit trees now, plant grapes and berries. Even in a surburban setting, flower beds can produce food.
I fear we are into a irreversible down turn. Something like 48 per cent of the people pay no federal income tax; they are essentially social parasites.. They are happy that way, and they want more social programs. Those that do pay income taxes are stressed. They want tax relief and spending cuts.

The Tea Party people think the situation can be reversed. They are wrong. People are addicted to the opium of social welfare. They must go cold turkey. When the government cannot or will not fund the SNAP and EBT card accounts, we will see real problems. Worse, government produced inflation will make whatever amount they drop into those accounts worthless.

China no longer will buy our debt; in fact they are using dollars to buy gold and silver and other raw materials. They are dumping the dollar for hard assets. Who do you think is buying all of the stolen copper? Sadly, one of the leading US exports is scrap iron. There goes our industrial base.

What gives the dollar value? Well at one time it was backed up by gold and silver. In 1965 the silver was removed from our coinage and the US dollar became a fiat currency. To give the dollar value, the US convinced the Arabs to price oil in dollars rather than pounds sterling. Because everyone needed oil, that gave our currency value. It was a reserve currency used to settle international debts. That is coming to an end.

Since the Federal Reserve System now freely prints dollars in exchange for bonds from the Treasury Department which is trying to prime the pump of our economy, we can expect to see low interest rates on bank deposits, high inflation and high unemployment. This is the bankrupt policy of Keynesian economics. Priming the pump used to work in a closed economy, but now money moves from place to place in a twinkling of an eye.

Cheap money is borrowed in the US by the Chinese and then they use that money to buy more of our industry and real estate. If Keynesian economics worked, you would see four or five per cent on your charge cards, not eighteen or twenty two.

Now it looks like the US dollar will not be a reserve currency much longer. The new reserve currency will be a currency backed by something real, gold, silver, copper. It probably will be the Chinese Renminbi. The dollar will lose value rapidly. And since we no longer make anything in the US, prices will go up even faster.

Hyper inflation can kill an economy. The government can try to blame others, but they cannot lie the situation away. Nobody is going to sell goods if they know they will not get enough out of the sale the restock the shelves and pay the rent. They will hold onto real stock and the shelves of the supermarkets will be bare. See what is happening in Venezuela now.

Your savings will be worthless just as it happened in Germany in the 1920's. I guess putting your wealth into gold and silver might be a way around the problem, but governments have a way of stealing the savings of their people just like it happened in the US when the Democrats forced everyone to sell their gold to the government. Maybe it might be safer to put it into food stuffs. The government cannot print more jars of peanut butter.

Our nation has spent too much money fighting wars to free people that really don't want us in their business. We have spent too much money trying to care for the poor who really just want an easy life. This is unsustainable.

Hang on real tight, hard times are on the way.
We are seeing much of this because we have allowed our government to become to beholden to business. The bigger an upper hand we give business, the lower wages will be. We are in a situation now where employees have for all their working lives given up raise increases and better benefits to get better retirement, and now the government is allowing businesses to raid the retirement of these people. What I find interesting is that the same people who want to gut medicare and social security are pushing for "right to work" laws. Which result in squeezing the workers at both ends. Too many business people are making their millions by forcing the government to supplement their employees' wages so that they can afford to live. There is something wrong with that. I don't think raising the min wage is going to do any good because it will also raise the cost of living and in effect negate any rise in wages. What most people are unaware of is that medicare is also covering the cost of medical for a large percentage of workers disabled on the job. They do it to allow them to survive until their "case" is settled, if the company responsible pays up, if not they continue to pay, AND even if the "case" gets settled and the company is forced to accept guilt, medicare never recovers the money spent. This is another "business welfare" that slides under the radar. Sorry for the rant, once I get started, I tend to lose it.
I see where fast food workers want a $15 an hour wage. That will more than double the price of a hamburger. The amount an employee sees in their check is only a small part of the employee related expense. The social security, medicare, unemployment insurance and workers' comp will go up also. Those are employer paid expenses.

I predict a return to the brown bag lunch. Peanut butter and jelly will make a come back.

The profit margin on fast food is pretty slim. I suspect we will see a lot of closed businesses. I don't know what the answer is, but I have already been priced out of fast food.

Some people think the wealthy should pay more, but there just aren't that many of them now days. And, their wealth is invested in our economy. If the government confiscated it, what would our economy run on?

Now days, the really wealthy live in the middle east or far east. They are well beyond our taxing authority.
The profit margin on fast food is pretty slim. I suspect we will see a lot of closed businesses. I don't know what the answer is, but I have already been priced out of fast food.

Some people think the wealthy should pay more, but there just aren't that many of them now days. And, their wealth is invested in our economy. If the government confiscated it, what would our economy run on?

Now days, the really wealthy live in the middle east or far east. They are well beyond our taxing authority.

What about all the morons on reality TV they make at least $300,000 + a year, and a lot of sports pros make 2 Million + a year and CEOs' more then that.
Are these people that important that they need that much to live? While farmers the backbone of the world make far less then a spoiled rotten hooker like miley cyris probably makes 10 million + a year to act like a fool. shouldn't people that are more important make the most money?
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It amazes me how "poor" you must prove that you are to qualify to get any govt benefits.I myself am a vested Operating Engineer which means I ran heavy equipment like bulldozers,dirt scrapers,and the like. Our wage is $44.75 per hour. For every hour we work,our employer must add $6 for every hour we work in our pension fund.Granted this wage may seem high but keep in mind the cost of the equipment I operate.I've ran D-11 dozers costing upwards of $2million and 70 ton haul trucks of equal cost.Because of my farming-machinery background I was easily accepted in this union over 15 years ago.But along came our Governor Mike Blagoyovich who fought with our leglislature on everything,including Illinois budget.When there was shortfalls,Blago took state workers pension fund money to cover the mounting state debt. Needless to say,our state is now the WORST as far as deficet's goes. California has NOTHING on us here,costing us a tune of over $1 million dollars a day for state employees pensions. And now Blago is on the inside looking out somewhere in a federal prison in Colorado for another 10 or so years.

Because of the housing crash,my work has been non existant for the past 3 years so I have taken an "inactive" card in my union.Granted those $1600 gross weekly paychecks were nice but we get along just fine now with me making about 30% of what my union wages.You really get your eyes full around here fast during the day when you see so many people within your own town that do not work and live off disability and govt programs.Or how many people you see at our one gas station in town,whip out a LINK card to buy candy bars and pop with.

Seems the working class works to support the non,or never working class.When I was working my union job,more taxes were taken out per week,than my gross paycheck is now each week.You see unwed girls with 3-4 young children living in govt subsidized housing,welfare and a LINK food card.To me this type of person in our society does not "fit" and never will.They have grown too dependent on my hard work and sweat equity throughout my lifetime.Yet if I have an accident and get laid up and can't work for weeks,or a few months,my creditors would be here wanting things back I owe on in a heartbeat and not accept any excuses.

Our unregulated elected officials has outgrown their pant sizes many times over.To me your wages should be based on the value of work you accomplish per hour. Sweat equity jobs in my opinion are worth more per hour,then any elected officials who only puts on a suit and tie each day and sits in an air conditioned chamber or office.They get pensions after they retire over $100,000 per year. Yet they balk at the working class wanting a minimum wage increase of $2-3$ per hour,over the course of several years and never be able to save anything for a pension.The govt ruined social security decades ago so who can depend on that for retirement?In keeping in check with all reality and inflation,the average American Citizen with two dependents needs at least $15.45 per hour to make ends meet,let alone setting any funds aside for emergencies or large purchases.

With modern technology,we the people do NOT need elected officials anymore to vote for "us". with the invention of smart phones,retinal recognition and the internet,every citizen has the ability to make a vote on every bill that comes up.Excuse me but "screw" the lobbyist and special interest groups,along with politicians who have never sweat or developed a water blister on their hands from pushing a scoop shovel! The technology is here,and if each individual had an oppurtunty to vote on new laws every month,and the final tally decides if it passes or fails,then what would we do with all the money saved by not needing state senators and state representatives?

Thru the eons of time all major powers of the world has fallen,yet we as the United States are NOT deemed a major power. We do not compare to the ancient Romans and Egyptians.Yet we stick our noses into every other countries business and spend money we do not have so we can be considered a Super Power? The path we are on is getting darker each day.when our president proposes a National Budget that's deficet is higher than all other presidencies past combined- to a tune of over 17 TRILLION dollars,,what sweat equity does he have vested in paying any of this back?

You want to see something that will really open your eyes,,look at this,especially the ECONOMY link,, How can we as a free country elect public officials that would cause each of us to owe over $145,000 just to cover what they passed into laws,and decided to go to war over.I was never asked to vote if we invaded Iraq? or Afganistan? or Vietnam? Yet I am to shoulder the burden of the debt that this created and for what? What value has any of us gained in these conflicts? What tangible results do we have?

I believe the day of reckoning is close.Taxpayers do not bail out banks,or large auto companies.We elect public officials who can now track everything we do from cell phones to home computers,to e-mail,all with the excuse of being a "security risk" after 9-11. The "Patriot Act" took away everything us as Americans value,and that is Freedom. We have no privacy and no say anymore.But we ourselves are to blame because we voted in the public officials that slowly each day are taking everything away,piece by piece,dollar by dollar.
The idea of a fully participatory democracy is appealing, but if we had to read every bill, we would still be reading that durn Affordable Care bill. It was so huge, and most people wouldn't understand it. People will always vote for the party that promises that they will get something for nothing. Government cannot give anything to anyone until they first take it away from someone else.

Sadly, we elect politicians that promise to do things for us, and then when they get to Washington they do things to us.
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