Great Depression of 2016

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Sorry gang but my mom down in Misssissippi had a heart attack this past week so I've been absent. And this has grown another 9 pages? And talking about the Ukraine now? Wow! Amyone notice is now offering if you submIt DNA,they can narrow the area of the world your cave inhabiting far relatives came from? Wonder who is really behind this one? I'll bet ya the DNA you submit does not stay with and someone else will wind up with it.Maybe NSA? I'm betting this is just a ruze like Cash For Clunkers was. We all remember that one,don't we? Who here knows why it was really created?
Another slam against O'bama family forced views on the taxpaying public,,here in Illinois this week one local school system is going to opt out of the federal food program that has been "guided" by Michelle O'Bama. This school district says they have lost thousands of dollars because most of the kids don't even bother to buy school lunches anymore at all,and the kids that do throws most of it away.If the kids takes their own lunches they cannot have certain items and they are searched before the kids are allowed to eat. Parents have finally complained enough the school board is considering bringing this subject up at thier next monthly board meeting.I hope many more follow suit.
I think I mentioned earlier that Illinois is wanting to impose a 1cent tax per ounce on soft drinks with the funds to go towards obesity. What a crock that is.They just passed a law that went into effect Jan1st if you throw a cigarette butt out your window while driving you can be fined $1000 too.Wonder when they will start making us pay a tax for the air we breathe? And these lawmakers are paid by us,and elected by us.
The Illinois State Lottery was originally passed into law here with all profits going to the school systems. This too is not the case.

I am sorry about your Mom. I will be wishing her well and keeping her in my prayers, wishing her a speedy recovery.

Ancestry DNA is a scam. There are protections for your DNA, but their system, like all others, can be broken into and decoded. It also does not work. The test is based on genetic markers, which are spread throughout the world, although more common in some parts, which is supposed to be able to give you an idea of where you come from, but the test is far from perfect and the farther back you want to go, the less effective the test is. As a matter of fact, it is so wrong, that Ancestry is being hit with a class action lawsuit over it. Think of all the gaps in the human historical record or travel patterns that we do not yet understand or are aware of. We just do not know enough for this test to be accurate.

Besides that, imagine a database of DNA and what bad people or a corrupt government could do with it. It just is not a good idea and there are other ways by which to uncover your ancestry where the traditional historical record method has failed you.

As for that cigarette law, I can understand that one. Think of all the wildfires and more caused by a lit cigarette. It is not like snuffing it out and saving it to throw away properly like other garbage is too much to ask. However, a $1,000 fine seems ridiculous. I think maybe an hour or two of community service picking up cigarette butts would be more appropriate.
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As for that cigarette law, I can understand that one. Think of all the wildfires and more caused by a lit cigarette. It is not like snuffing it out and saving it to throw away properly like other garbage is too much to ask. However, a $1,000 fine seems ridiculous. I think maybe an hour or two of community service picking up cigarette butts would be more appropriate.
I have yet to see a wild fire tracked back to cigarette. I am sure it happens every now an then but its not big thing. Wild fires are part of nature. They start when conditions are right. Nature starts them. Nature wants them. Cars pulling over starts them. Loose trailer safety chains start them. An sometimes people just feel like starting them to watch the show. Wild fires are part of the natural order of things.

There is a cartoon we had on the FD wall. It was a picture of a giant match book that was open an had a picture of tree covered mountains painted on the inside cover. Two people are standing on the matches looking up at the mountains. The caption reads: "We will build our house here. Nothing could ever happen is such a beautiful place."
I have yet to see a wild fire tracked back to cigarette. I am sure it happens every now an then but its not big thing. Wild fires are part of nature. They start when conditions are right. Nature starts them. Nature wants them. Cars pulling over starts them. Loose trailer safety chains start them. An sometimes people just feel like starting them to watch the show. Wild fires are part of the natural order of things.

There is a cartoon we had on the FD wall. It was a picture of a giant match book that was open an had a picture of tree covered mountains painted on the inside cover. Two people are standing on the matches looking up at the mountains. The caption reads: "We will build our house here. Nothing could ever happen is such a beautiful place."

The National Archives fire was traced back to a cigarette.

Destroying the service records of millions of members of our Armed Forces, making it difficult or in some cases impossible to prove that a man served in the event their service file can not be reconstructed from surviving reports, some of which are missing or were destroyed.

I know this because one of my ancestors who was a WWI Veteran served in France as a pilot and in WWII worked in an American based detention camp for Germans was one of the men who had their records destroyed by some careless yahoo with a cigarette.

The only proof I now have of his service is a pay voucher that miraculously survived, which does not give me any details at all about where he was, when and the struggles he faced.

It is hard for me to feel sympathy for smokers, when one cost me knowledge of my family history.
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As I understand it, the cause of that fire was never determined. A new agency ran with a story that it was a cigarette when the instigators said they could not rule that out but they never said that was the cause.

As for my second bias against it, smoking is what killed my Grandmother.

People think that smoking affects only them.

The doctors tried to remove the cancer, but it was not enough and she died. For two months, every day, three times a day, I had to clean her open wound, from below her chest to down below her bellybutton. Originally they tried to get the wound to heal properly and had it sealed with fifty staples, but it became infected, which led to my having to care for her with hospice oversight once a week.

It was miserable business, with saline, sterile gauze, gloves and long sterile wooden sticks, like oversized chopsticks that I had to use to reach in and pull out the previous gauze and dispose of it and then clean and repack her wound.

She was in so much pain, that when the horse pills and morphine shots could not begin to take the edge off her pain, she pleaded with my mother to overdose her with the shots. She did not of course and she continued to suffer, all the while with me and the rest of the family having to watch her die a slow and incredibly painful death.

Cigarettes do not only affect those that use, they affect their loved ones too.

The silver lining was that I realized that I was not cut out for nursing, which is what I was considering as a profession at the time, but that is besides the point.

No one here needs a lecture though. They all know that tossing their cigarette butts out their window or flicking them on the ground is wrong and that they need to be adults and dispose of them properly like any other kind of litter.
Sorry gang but my mom down in Misssissippi had a heart attack this past week so I've been absent. And this has grown another 9 pages? And talking about the Ukraine now? Wow! Amyone notice is now offering if you submIt DNA,they can narrow the area of the world your cave inhabiting far relatives came from? Wonder who is really behind this one? I'll bet ya the DNA you submit does not stay with and someone else will wind up with it.Maybe NSA? I'm betting this is just a ruze like Cash For Clunkers was. We all remember that one,don't we? Who here knows why it was really created?
Another slam against O'bama family forced views on the taxpaying public,,here in Illinois this week one local school system is going to opt out of the federal food program that has been "guided" by Michelle O'Bama. This school district says they have lost thousands of dollars because most of the kids don't even bother to buy school lunches anymore at all,and the kids that do throws most of it away.If the kids takes their own lunches they cannot have certain items and they are searched before the kids are allowed to eat. Parents have finally complained enough the school board is considering bringing this subject up at thier next monthly board meeting.I hope many more follow suit.
I think I mentioned earlier that Illinois is wanting to impose a 1cent tax per ounce on soft drinks with the funds to go towards obesity. What a crock that is.They just passed a law that went into effect Jan1st if you throw a cigarette butt out your window while driving you can be fined $1000 too.Wonder when they will start making us pay a tax for the air we breathe? And these lawmakers are paid by us,and elected by us.
The Illinois State Lottery was originally passed into law here with all profits going to the school systems. This too is not the case.
It wouldn't bother me if they fined people $10,000 for throwing litter out their windows.

As for that cigarette law, I can understand that one. Think of all the wildfires and more caused by a lit cigarette. It is not like snuffing it out and saving it to throw away properly like other garbage is too much to ask. However, a $1,000 fine seems ridiculous. I think maybe an hour or two of community service picking up cigarette butts would be more appropriate.
Actually... thats not possible since I think it was 2003ish all cigarettes have chemical rings every quarter inch so if you dont inhale constantly they go out. "Fire Safe" cigarettes... go figure eh? Now if only they could make then "cancer Free" I would be a customer for life!
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