Great Depression of 2016

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I'm one of the lucky few that has full coverage insurance.

Problem is, doctors and nurses are getting out of the business and it makes it harder for the ones left to take all of the patients. There is a limited number of doctors and a limited number of hours in the day and there just is not enough time to see everyone because of this. Even coverage is no promise of actually being able to get an appointment to get in to see a doctor or nurse these days.
The US economy is on a life support of cheap money. The recession is not over, it is only in remission. When the world decides that the US dollar is not the place to put wealth, the end is near. That will happen when the oil producers decide the price of oil will be set in another currency. When the US dollar is no longer a reserve currency, prices will sky rocket.

China just off loaded a large hunk of US debt instruments, and European investors bought it. They still have plenty more to dump.

Meanwhile, the US treasury keeps passing bonds to the Fed for new green backs. That will cause a real inflation. I am afraid we will see high unemployment and high inflation. That means a lower standard of living.

Don't buy anything with an adjustable interest rate or a balloon payment. Stock up on supplies and hide them away. Then hope and pray.
China had some come due and were out bid by European countries. There was no "dumping" of any treasuries.

How many years have you been saying we will have high inflation any day now.
Yes the buck does stop with him. We have a person who still has questions hanging about his place of birth, his schooling and the state of his and his wife's "lawyer" status. This pulls into question his loyalty to our country. A country he is supposed to run. He is the Captain of the USS America that has had a slow yet noticeable leak for years, but like the other Captains he has ignored the leak to do damage control for his image in order to stay in power. He has had the power to take a hard stand and start the process of truly fixing the leak, instead he just lined up a bigger bucket brigade than the previous Captains. The Captain historically goes down with the ship. Instead it is us the "crew" who are suffering and will continue to suffer while the all of the Captains who have ignored the leak and retired get comfy lives with no worries!

Yes the buck does stop with him.

We have a person who still has questions hanging about his place of birth, his schooling and the state of his and his wife's "lawyer" status. This pulls into question his loyalty to our country. A country he is supposed to run.

He is the Captain of the USS America that has had a slow yet noticeable leak for years, but like the other Captains he has ignored the leak to do damage control for his image in order to stay in power.

He has had the power to take a hard stand and start the process of truly fixing the leak, instead he just lined up a bigger bucket brigade than the previous Captains.

The Captain historically goes down with the ship. Instead it is us the "crew" who are suffering and will continue to suffer while the all of the Captains who have ignored the leak and retired get comfy lives with no worries!

What irks me about Michelle Obama is her lavish spending in wartime. Other First Ladies set a fine example in terms of grace, fashion and the projects they accomplished during and after their husband's time in the Oval Office. What has Michelle done? A dieting and workout campaign for kids? That's a great message to send our children. Please note the heavy sarcasm. With the self image issues children have, with girls as young as 7 or 8 years old on diets and the target of Abercrombie swimsuit ad campaigns, what does that tell them when the First Lady goes on tour to tell them that American children are obese? The New York Times is reporting that she is asking for rules for junk food companies to advertise in schools. I say what we need is a rule that our First Lady not target our children with adult topics. Maybe if we let our children have P.E. classes and actual recess like they used to, this would not be a problem. At the beginning, I was actually supportive of Obama. I was naïve enough to believe that he was going to offer real change, because I mistakenly believed he was different than the other politicians. After Bush, I thought we could not possibly have a worse President. I thought that who ever came after him was going to put boots to backside and restore this Country to it's former glory. I am so sorry to say that I was completely wrong about him. The Constitutional Lawyer has completely spit upon our Constitution, which breaks my heart because not only did several of my ancestors die for that document to come to fruition, one was among the men who actually ratified the document after fighting at Brandywine and being captured at Germantown after being not only shot, but stabbed with a bayonet repeatedly as he lay helpless on the field of battle, only to be held captive by the British on a prison ship for two years among many other contributions to the cause of this Nation's independence. Obama is nothing short of a tyrant. The kind of tyrant that better men prior suffered so preciously to shield their descendants from.

What irks me about Michelle Obama is her lavish spending in wartime.

Other First Ladies set a fine example in terms of grace, fashion and the projects they accomplished during and after their husband's time in the Oval Office.

What has Michelle done? A dieting and workout campaign for kids? That's a great message to send our children. Please note the heavy sarcasm. With the self image issues children have, with girls as young as 7 or 8 years old on diets and the target of Abercrombie swimsuit ad campaigns, what does that tell them when the First Lady goes on tour to tell them that American children are obese? The New York Times is reporting that she is asking for rules for junk food companies to advertise in schools. I say what we need is a rule that our First Lady not target our children with adult topics. Maybe if we let our children have P.E. classes and actual recess like they used to, this would not be a problem.

At the beginning, I was actually supportive of Obama. I was naïve enough to believe that he was going to offer real change, because I mistakenly believed he was different than the other politicians. After Bush, I thought we could not possibly have a worse President. I thought that who ever came after him was going to put boots to backside and restore this Country to it's former glory. I am so sorry to say that I was completely wrong about him.

The Constitutional Lawyer has completely spit upon our Constitution, which breaks my heart because not only did several of my ancestors die for that document to come to fruition, one was among the men who actually ratified the document after fighting at Brandywine and being captured at Germantown after being not only shot, but stabbed with a bayonet repeatedly as he lay helpless on the field of battle, only to be held captive by the British on a prison ship for two years among many other contributions to the cause of this Nation's independence.

Obama is nothing short of a tyrant.

The kind of tyrant that better men prior suffered so preciously to shield their descendants from.

School lunch is part of the problem dessert was rare at my house growing up but I had a dessert every day on my school lunch tray. I never had a corn dog until I was in school, I didn't know what a pig in a blanket was until then either. yea any time I had a hot dog up till then was not pre- breaded in corn bread or white bread dough. I never had butter in my corn or grease in my green beans until school lunch. Pizza was not a weekly or biweekly happening in my life till then either, I was lucky to have 1 slice of pizza a month if I was that lucky. Milk was for breakfast til then water or tea was lunch and dinner drinks before my school days. There was no chocolate milk in my house, there was at school every day. The only way I had flavored milk was if for some reason the stores where closing and that was the only gallon left on the shelf, or a once to twice a year can of chocolate or strawberry flavoring to add to white milk. Same with fried chicken, twice a year at home perhaps 4-6 times when we would eat at pitch-ins or went out to eat, never had fried breaded pork or beef til the school served it to me. perhaps they should keep their noses out of my kitchen and stop serving slop in theirs and then we can start to talk.

Yes the buck does stop with him.

We have a person who still has questions hanging about his place of birth, his schooling and the state of his and his wife's "lawyer" status. This pulls into question his loyalty to our country. A country he is supposed to run.

He is the Captain of the USS America that has had a slow yet noticeable leak for years, but like the other Captains he has ignored the leak to do damage control for his image in order to stay in power.

He has had the power to take a hard stand and start the process of truly fixing the leak, instead he just lined up a bigger bucket brigade than the previous Captains.

The Captain historically goes down with the ship. Instead it is us the "crew" who are suffering and will continue to suffer while the all of the Captains who have ignored the leak and retired get comfy lives with no worries!

What irks me about Michelle Obama is her lavish spending in wartime. Other First Ladies set a fine example in terms of grace, fashion and the projects they accomplished during and after their husband's time in the Oval Office. What has Michelle done? A dieting and workout campaign for kids? That's a great message to send our children. Please note the heavy sarcasm. With the self image issues children have, with girls as young as 7 or 8 years old on diets and the target of Abercrombie swimsuit ad campaigns, what does that tell them when the First Lady goes on tour to tell them that American children are obese? The New York Times is reporting that she is asking for rules for junk food companies to advertise in schools. I say what we need is a rule that our First Lady not target our children with adult topics. Maybe if we let our children have P.E. classes and actual recess like they used to, this would not be a problem. At the beginning, I was actually supportive of Obama. I was naïve enough to believe that he was going to offer real change, because I mistakenly believed he was different than the other politicians. After Bush, I thought we could not possibly have a worse President. I thought that who ever came after him was going to put boots to backside and restore this Country to it's former glory. I am so sorry to say that I was completely wrong about him. The Constitutional Lawyer has completely spit upon our Constitution, which breaks my heart because not only did several of my ancestors die for that document to come to fruition, one was among the men who actually ratified the document after fighting at Brandywine and being captured at Germantown after being not only shot, but stabbed with a bayonet repeatedly as he lay helpless on the field of battle, only to be held captive by the British on a prison ship for two years among many other contributions to the cause of this Nation's independence. Obama is nothing short of a tyrant. The kind of tyrant that better men prior suffered so preciously to shield their descendants from.
I agree my ancestors also fought and died for this country. And others that fought and died to keep it one country during the civil war. I also have a great great grandfather who fought in World War One. A great uncle that fought in World War Two. And a grandpa that fought in Korea. My ancestors and relatives didn't fight and die for this country to have it taken over by a near communist "president".
I agree my ancestors also fought and died for this country. And others that fought and died to keep it one country during the civil war. I also have a great great grandfather who fought in World War One. A great uncle that fought in World War Two. And a grandpa that fought in Korea. My ancestors and relatives didn't fight and die for this country to have it taken over by a near communist "president".

Tyranny never gives a formal declaration that it has arrived.

We do not even bother to formally declare war these days. The worst kind of tyrant is the kind that does wrong under the good name of another. It's like he is an identity thief who has stolen this Nation's identity and is busy racking up a ton of debts and a bad reputation besides.
Tyranny never gives a formal declaration that it has arrived.

We do not even bother to formally declare war these days. The worst kind of tyrant is the kind that does wrong under the good name of another. It's like he is an identity thief who has stolen this Nation's identity and is busy racking up a ton of debts and a bad reputation besides.

Could not agree more
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