Great Depression of 2016

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I have no use for the O'Bamas. Their being "in touch" with the American people is total cr-p-ola.Yet he always seems to use that phrase in his speeches like we indeed are his one and only priority.It is hard for me to give respect to anyone who has not done true sweat equity(doing as I have done).Old Barrack in no way could do the job or past jobs I have done but I know I can easily do his job. Being fed by a silver spoon as many politicians are and voting themselves pay raises once they take office really burns me while we struggle to earn anything above minimum wage.Granted my union job pays way more than minimum wage when there IS work,but since O'Bama took office I've taken an inactive union card because there is NO work.Even the 750 billion$ loan he took from China to promote jobs,rebuild infrastructure,and boost the ecomomy did absolutey NOTHING for my union,and our Union is one of the largest in the USA. The "Out of Work" list that summer was just as high as it was years prior to O'Bamas influx of cash into the economy.
Everything I have worked for is from wages earned. I've never applied for or been on any govt aid,or assistance. I've drawn unemployment but thats all.I don't think it's my neighbors responisbility to work like a dog, give 25% of their paycheck to taxes,only so I can sit on my butt and live off their labor.One thing about it, when this country does fall to it's knees I'm sure those of us who knows the value of a days wage for a days work will prevail. And when the welfare checks stops coming,and the recipients of those monies has to finally face the fact that they may have to do some sweat equity to earn their box of Hostess Twinkies I bet they can get their lazy butts away from TV long enough to earn their own keep.
You can easily spot these people in everyday society. Mainly visible at Wal-Mart around the first of each month.You can easily spot them,because most of them wear sweats or bedclothes. You will never see a water blister or calluses on their hands. Yet you will notice their grocery carts has some of the best meat available from the meat counter,steaks and pork chops,roasts, while yours probably has hamburger and hot dogs,maybe some chicken and lots of Ramon noodles. Their carts are also full of Pepsi products in 2 ltr bottles,,potatoe chips like their going out of style. Isn't it easy to spend someone elses money? Thats our govt. too! Once they get elected and into office they don't answer to anybody.And when this country falls it won't be their fault. The blame will go to someone else.
RE Dark Unicorn... President Obama was made "captain of the titanic 3inches above the water. If you think Americas issus are solely because of Obama I am more then willing to offer some educational information on how the US has been going down this road for 30+years. President Obama has some pretty big shoes to fill. He is the first minority President of the United States. Which by itself sets a very high standard as subconciously the people will judge the next minority president by his "reign" of power. Do some of his policies suck? YES YES YES. But as a patriot of this country I also feel a strong empathy for anyone in the presidency as no matter what they say or do some huge chunk of the US isnt going to agree. Just think for a second. You have a cabinet of advisors you have to rely on to give you sound advice. If the whole cabinet tells you, your idea is sound how much more can be expected?

RE School Lunches..I see a few issues here... #1 Nothing wrong with chocolate milk as even athletes use choco milk after activity to regain energy and calcium. Also school lunches may suck but the school has to find a balance. If they serve only the healthy food that nutritionists want then school lunch ends up in the trash and kids get their parents to buy them lunches or go hungry. If your eating healthy at home and getting lots of excercise then one meal at school isnt an issue. The issue is when the ENTIRE childs diet is out of whack and absent parents buy video games and cable for kids instead of playing an active role in imparting the benefits of staying fit.Kids know what they like. If Ms. Obama gets her way and only veggies are served for school lunches then her idea of kids wanting snacks from the produce aisle is delusional at best. I have never met a kid who doesnt want something salty or sweet. The trick is to find a balance of nutrition and taste.
RE Dark Unicorn... President Obama was made "captain of the titanic 3inches above the water. If you think Americas issus are solely because of Obama I am more then willing to offer some educational information on how the US has been going down this road for 30+years. President Obama has some pretty big shoes to fill. He is the first minority President of the United States. Which by itself sets a very high standard as subconciously the people will judge the next minority president by his "reign" of power. Do some of his policies suck? YES YES YES. But as a patriot of this country I also feel a strong empathy for anyone in the presidency as no matter what they say or do some huge chunk of the US isnt going to agree. Just think for a second. You have a cabinet of advisors you have to rely on to give you sound advice. If the whole cabinet tells you, your idea is sound how much more can be expected?

Then you missed a few points of what I said:

"He is the Captain of the USS America that has had a slow yet noticeable leak for years, but like the other Captains he has ignored the leak to do damage control for his image in order to stay in power.

He has had the power to take a hard stand and start the process of truly fixing the leak, instead he just lined up a bigger bucket brigade than the previous Captains.

The Captain historically goes down with the ship. Instead it is us the "crew" who are suffering and will continue to suffer while the all of the Captains who have ignored the leak and retired get comfy lives with no worries!"

I know my history and did state that the "boat" has had a noticeable "leak" for YEARS and several "Captains" have ignored said leak. What happens when you ignore a leak in a boat? You sink.......

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it... It's being repeated!
This is a person who was purported to have come from "humble" beginnings. Who people believed would stand up to the needless spending and rein in the out of control policies that led us to being "3 inches above water". He could have taken a VERY hard approach to a BUDGET like us NORMAL folk do every day, week, month and year..... Instead he has allowed this "debt ceiling" to be raised in order to borrow $ just to make the bare bottom minimum payments to keep our country out of default.... Ask yourself what would happen if YOU approached a lender asking for a larger loan but your income was the same or less? You would get escorted out of the building accompanied by laughter!

Instead of leading by example which would have included only making trips outside of the US for truly official and needed reasons,cutting back on spending for the White House itself (maybe not ordering in a new set of china and flatware as EVERY president has done) and keeping his family here in the States for vacations or better yet not taking vacations. He could have/should have shown restraint in his families finances while the rest of the country has had to tighten their collective belts. Mrs. Obama should not have worried about her MANY shopping trips and having them splashed over the networks..... Who do you think pays for the entourage that accompanies her and her family out EVERY single time she feels the need to go ANYWHERE?

This reminds me soooooo much of a friend of mine who was about as broke as the rest of us that got hit by a State trooper car. He got a Sh*t load of $$$ and blew it in less than 6 months and was even worse off since he never bought a replacement car or paid his medical bills that a good chunk of that $ was to go to..... He had to hit BELOW rock bottom to get his head on straight, then and only then did he start to live as cheap as possible, pay every thing off, save some $ and he is very well off today.

Yes we as a country will hit rock bottom due to our leaders past and present NOT wanting to really run a budget. Not wanting to save for that rainy day. How many of us had Grandparents that REFUSED to believe in credit? Look what credit has gotten us...... In a hole...

When will we as a country hit Rock Bottom? Good question..... I'm not sure that we haven't been running on the sand for a while... since our leaders NEVER want to admit to bad times.....
Our country is full of stories of success and struggles. Everyone wants the best for themselves and I am sure they don't begrudge other people having a good healthy successful lifestyle. This used to be common in our country. Now it seems that the 'silent majority' is fed up with the reality of our situation..and maybe just maybe change will come to America. I don't know if it will be too late for my little family.

Our facts.

My husband has medical conditions that require medical help/surgeries and medical support for him to survive.
He works full time and is always looking for something extra to do when he can to make more $.
His medical policy is partly funded by his job/ 250.00 he pays per month out of pocket for his portion. His deductible has gone from 2500.00 a year to 5000.00. (Which after being hospitalized in January we are already receiving demands to pay from the hospital, they are in the stack of other hospital bills we are paying). His take home pay every month is 1500.00. We also pay for our last child's insurance. That is another 300.00 out of pocket, with a 5000.00 deductible.
I work 2 jobs, I am home today sick, I have not taken any sick time in well over 1 year almost 2. I do not have insurance now. It is the first time in my life I am 'non compliant' with any Federal Law. My premium went from 350.00 a month to over 500.00 with my deductible also at 5000.00 If I paid this premium I would not be able to afford to go to the doctor. I have now put off regular medical visits for the last year. I cannot afford to go.

Our family does not qualify for any 'subsidized' policy benefits. We pay more in medical expenses and premiums than housing & food combined. It takes my husbands complete check every month. We do not take charity or any 'hand outs' but we are suffering ill health, dental issues that we cannot afford, stress due to constantly being hounded for 'more money' on those hospital bills, threats of collection action, even though we have never not paid our bills.

Now if I quit my second job, my husband lost his job due to his ill health..the government would be chasing us down the road to give us money, health coverage, food stamps, housing benefits heck if I claimed my dogs were therapy for 'post traumatic hospital debt therapy' they would probably pay for their care too. And if I trotted out my Native American heritage...(my Grandfather would be sooo mad) heck I could write my own ticket. There is something so wrong in all of this. And by the way some of us are already in 'the Great Depression of 2013-2014-2015-....and have been for awhile. What to do? Well chin up and keep's the American way..until enough of the population decides it's easier to just give up and let the government care for us.. Where is the tipping point? I can see it from this American's view.

To add insult to constant stress and injury..After medical expenses, policy increases, and my now lack of insurance or medical care..I am going to have to pay a FINE for not having insurance I wonder if the government will take payments.. Blyth..puts bill into stack of hospital bills and prays not to get sick...ever.
Our country is full of stories of success and struggles. Everyone wants the best for themselves and I am sure they don't begrudge other people having a good healthy successful lifestyle. This used to be common in our country. Now it seems that the 'silent majority' is fed up with the reality of our situation..and maybe just maybe change will come to America. I don't know if it will be too late for my little family.

Our facts.

My husband has medical conditions that require medical help/surgeries and medical support for him to survive.
He works full time and is always looking for something extra to do when he can to make more $.
His medical policy is partly funded by his job/ 250.00 he pays per month out of pocket for his portion. His deductible has gone from 2500.00 a year to 5000.00. (Which after being hospitalized in January we are already receiving demands to pay from the hospital, they are in the stack of other hospital bills we are paying). His take home pay every month is 1500.00. We also pay for our last child's insurance. That is another 300.00 out of pocket, with a 5000.00 deductible.
I work 2 jobs, I am home today sick, I have not taken any sick time in well over 1 year almost 2. I do not have insurance now. It is the first time in my life I am 'non compliant' with any Federal Law. My premium went from 350.00 a month to over 500.00 with my deductible also at 5000.00 If I paid this premium I would not be able to afford to go to the doctor. I have now put off regular medical visits for the last year. I cannot afford to go.

Our family does not qualify for any 'subsidized' policy benefits. We pay more in medical expenses and premiums than housing & food combined. It takes my husbands complete check every month. We do not take charity or any 'hand outs' but we are suffering ill health, dental issues that we cannot afford, stress due to constantly being hounded for 'more money' on those hospital bills, threats of collection action, even though we have never not paid our bills.

Now if I quit my second job, my husband lost his job due to his ill health..the government would be chasing us down the road to give us money, health coverage, food stamps, housing benefits heck if I claimed my dogs were therapy for 'post traumatic hospital debt therapy' they would probably pay for their care too. And if I trotted out my Native American heritage...(my Grandfather would be sooo mad) heck I could write my own ticket. There is something so wrong in all of this. And by the way some of us are already in 'the Great Depression of 2013-2014-2015-....and have been for awhile. What to do? Well chin up and keep's the American way..until enough of the population decides it's easier to just give up and let the government care for us.. Where is the tipping point? I can see it from this American's view.

To add insult to constant stress and injury..After medical expenses, policy increases, and my now lack of insurance or medical care..I am going to have to pay a FINE for not having insurance I wonder if the government will take payments.. Blyth..puts bill into stack of hospital bills and prays not to get sick...ever.

Contrary to popular belief, it is unlikely in the extreme that you would be able to use Native American heritage to your advantage.

The majority get a few dollars, some even a few cents, from their tribe, if that.

That is if you are able to establish blood quantum, your ancestors are on the rolls and you are able to meet various other requirements. A good deal of Native American records are missing or destroyed either by accident or intentionally. Being able to prove you are of Native descent, for genealogy purposes which you should do if you know you have such ancestry and have not yet gathered appropriate supporting documentation, can be really difficult.

It is also not the cake walk people think it is, because the majority of Native Americans have nothing or their tribal leaders are corrupt and busy enriching themselves. Not to mention that prejudice towards persons of mixed heritage still exists and that comes straight from the tribes themselves. As a matter of fact, such persons are routinely looked down upon on tribal lands and denied voting rights and other things that 'pure blooded' (Given the marriages between tribes and kidnappings.) Native Americans enjoy. If you think prejudice is bad in America, wait until you see what happens on tribal lands, where the same rules of American law do not always apply.

Sure, you MIGHT qualify for some subsidies if by some miracle you are able to establish lineage, but that will be about it and it will not be nearly enough to get you the assistance you need.

How do I know this? Having helped such persons with their genealogy and my ancestors being among the notable of the ones who helped fight against the Native Americans. Although I must say there was some just cause, given that several of the women and children in my tree were tortured, scalped and outright killed while their husbands were away. That and one even died a recluse after the Cherokee attacked and burned her face in the hot coals of a fire when she was just nine years old. Another was captured and held captive for two years and made to run the gauntlet as well.

Regardless, it is not as easy to prove as folks may think, especially considering that most claims of Native American ancestry turn out to be false. If it is more recent and you know for fact though, you should try and gather what ever proof you can, while it is still able to be obtained.

Also, I feel that giving a hand up to those in need is a good thing. I wish there was help available to persons who need it and none for those who are not willing to help themselves.

In a more perfect Union I suppose.

Please do not feel ashamed to do what you have to do in order to take care of yourself and your family. Forget what anyone else thinks, there is no shame in taking a hand up when you need it and more still when you are already doing all that you can do to provide for yourself.
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Contrary to popular belief, it is unlikely in the extreme that you would be able to use Native American heritage to your advantage.

The majority get a few dollars, some even a few cents, from their tribe, if that.

That is if you are able to establish blood quantum, your ancestors are on the rolls and you are able to meet various other requirements. A good deal of Native American records are missing or destroyed either by accident or intentionally. Being able to prove you are of Native descent, for genealogy purposes which you should do if you know you have such ancestry and have not yet gathered appropriate supporting documentation, can be really difficult.

It is also not the cake walk people think it is, because the majority of Native Americans have nothing or their tribal leaders are corrupt and busy enriching themselves. Not to mention that prejudice towards persons of mixed heritage still exists and that comes straight from the tribes themselves. As a matter of fact, such persons are routinely looked down upon on tribal lands and denied voting rights and other things that 'pure blooded' (Given the marriages between tribes and kidnappings.) Native Americans enjoy. If you think prejudice is bad in America, wait until you see what happens on tribal lands, where the same rules of American law do not always apply.

Sure, you MIGHT qualify for some subsidies if by some miracle you are able to establish lineage, but that will be about it and it will not be nearly enough to get you the assistance you need.

How do I know this? Having helped such persons with their genealogy and my ancestors being among the notable of the ones who helped fight against the Native Americans. Although I must say there was some just cause, given that several of the women and children in my tree were tortured, scalped and outright killed while their husbands were away. That and one even died a recluse after the Cherokee attacked and burned her face in the hot coals of a fire when she was just nine years old. Another was captured and held captive for two years and made to run the gauntlet as well.

Regardless, it is not as easy to prove as folks may think, especially considering that most claims of Native American ancestry turn out to be false. If it is more recent and you know for fact though, you should try and gather what ever proof you can, while it is still able to be obtained.

Also, I feel that giving a hand up to those in need is a good thing. I wish there was help available to persons who need it and none for those who are not willing to help themselves.

In a more perfect Union I suppose.

Please do not feel ashamed to do what you have to do in order to take care of yourself and your family. Forget what anyone else thinks, there is no shame in taking a hand up when you need it and more still when you are already doing all that you can do to provide for yourself.
I am able to prove without a shadow of a doubt my native heritage. I have my Grandfather's Native #. He is on the register. In his day he was not allowed to attend any school but the Indian school. He was kept in horrible conditions along with his brothers that were also sent away to 'school' His brother died in the same bed as my Grandfather slept in..of diphtheria. He served in World War I and yet he is not listed as a 'son of the county' he came from as others in his community are because he was Native...As far as getting any money, he did receive as well as my Grandmother a stipend from the oil pipeline being placed in his nations land...He is listed on the Census Records as Native from the late 1800's. We are published in a book Titled 'Daughters of the San Juans' if you want to look that up. My family's pictures are all published there...oh and we are listed as Native and our tribe. So now we are down to 'what does that do for me'...nothing except when I was trying to get 'Affordable Health Coverage' one of the questions I am asked is 'Are you of Alaskan Indian descent? Yes/No...I remember my Grandfather when the Judge Bolt decision( you can look that despicable decision in the Washington law books) came down about Native rights for fishing etc. My Grandfather standing there saying the Nation has corrupted itself for money and privileges nature cannot endure and to NEVER trade on his blood being native for gifts or privileges not earned. I did not answer that question on the application. I should be treated just like anyone else. I should pay just like anyone else..I should just be able to pay for it with a reasonable rate no matter what heritage I have.
I am able to prove without a shadow of a doubt my native heritage. I have my Grandfather's Native #. He is on the register. In his day he was not allowed to attend any school but the Indian school. He was kept in horrible conditions along with his brothers that were also sent away to 'school' His brother died in the same bed as my Grandfather slept in..of diphtheria. He served in World War I and yet he is not listed as a 'son of the county' he came from as others in his community are because he was Native...As far as getting any money, he did receive as well as my Grandmother a stipend from the oil pipeline being placed in his nations land...He is listed on the Census Records as Native from the late 1800's. We are published in a book Titled 'Daughters of the San Juans' if you want to look that up. My family's pictures are all published there...oh and we are listed as Native and our tribe. So now we are down to 'what does that do for me'...nothing except when I was trying to get 'Affordable Health Coverage' one of the questions I am asked is 'Are you of Alaskan Indian descent? Yes/No...I remember my Grandfather when the Judge Bolt decision( you can look that despicable decision in the Washington law books) came down about Native rights for fishing etc. My Grandfather standing there saying the Nation has corrupted itself for money and privileges nature cannot endure and to NEVER trade on his blood being native for gifts or privileges not earned. I did not answer that question on the application. I should be treated just like anyone else. I should pay just like anyone else..I should just be able to pay for it with a reasonable rate no matter what heritage I have.
My whole point in this is that I should NOT have to trade on my Native heritage...go on government assistance, have someone else pay my bills, or die because I cannot afford to have medical coverage or care. We should not have to bankrupt ourselves when we are working night and day for a living when the government WANTS us to say..oh I am Native I need you to pay...I am blah blah blah we need the government to support us. Bull cr*p. The government, tribes, the guy down the street does not need to pay our bills. I do but I am not able to without working like we are working now. The only way we qualify is to give up and LET the government take it from here. No way, but I will not be silent about what is happening to us either.
I am able to prove without a shadow of a doubt my native heritage. I have my Grandfather's Native #. He is on the register. In his day he was not allowed to attend any school but the Indian school. He was kept in horrible conditions along with his brothers that were also sent away to 'school' His brother died in the same bed as my Grandfather slept in..of diphtheria. He served in World War I and yet he is not listed as a 'son of the county' he came from as others in his community are because he was Native...As far as getting any money, he did receive as well as my Grandmother a stipend from the oil pipeline being placed in his nations land...He is listed on the Census Records as Native from the late 1800's. We are published in a book Titled 'Daughters of the San Juans' if you want to look that up. My family's pictures are all published there...oh and we are listed as Native and our tribe. So now we are down to 'what does that do for me'...nothing except when I was trying to get 'Affordable Health Coverage' one of the questions I am asked is 'Are you of Alaskan Indian descent? Yes/No...I remember my Grandfather when the Judge Bolt decision( you can look that despicable decision in the Washington law books) came down about Native rights for fishing etc. My Grandfather standing there saying the Nation has corrupted itself for money and privileges nature cannot endure and to NEVER trade on his blood being native for gifts or privileges not earned. I did not answer that question on the application. I should be treated just like anyone else. I should pay just like anyone else..I should just be able to pay for it with a reasonable rate no matter what heritage I have.

That is exactly right. I do not like the whole special privileges for ancestry theme we have going on in this country.

I'm glad that you know where you come from. So many do not know anything past their grandparents and no interest in learning in my generation. It is a shame, because if the records fire of 1973 at the National Archives taught us anything, it was that not only does the government own your ancestry records, but they can go up in smoke at any time.

It makes me think of the Black Hills, where the tribes are suffering so greatly, sitting on top of this huge payday, because they refuse to accept the U.S. Government's ruling, firmly believing that the Black Hills are not for sale.

Those schools were a nightmare. It was like they were Georgia Tann, but on an even larger scale.
My whole point in this is that I should NOT have to trade on my Native heritage...go on government assistance, have someone else pay my bills, or die because I cannot afford to have medical coverage or care. We should not have to bankrupt ourselves when we are working night and day for a living when the government WANTS us to say..oh I am Native I need you to pay...I am blah blah blah we need the government to support us. Bull cr*p. The government, tribes, the guy down the street does not need to pay our bills. I do but I am not able to without working like we are working now. The only way we qualify is to give up and LET the government take it from here. No way, but I will not be silent about what is happening to us either.

You should not feel like you have to be silent.

The government should not be handing out anything based on race and then going around and saying that everyone needs to be treated equally.

We are in complete agreement.

The good folks are working like slaves to support the ones who do nothing. We can not go on like this forever. Eventually, our system will collapse.
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