Great Depression of 2016

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You are right about the few ruining it for the many. I have lived amonst muslims who I would trust with my life. Conversely I have met what I regard as extremist Christians. Extremism in any form, whether it be political, social or religious is a bad thing I think. I believe you should use your own experiences and judgements to decide who can and cannot be trusted, and always speak as you find, don't let others decide for you.
So, now it seems that the engine reporting system was working at least four hours after the transponder was turned off. That seems to indicate that the missing plane could be just about anywhere now. It would be invisible to civilian commercial radar.

I suspect that some countries do not keep their military radar working when they are not conducting military operations. That opens up the skies.

If the computer systems were hacked, the plane could have been flown remotely from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world.

Many countries have systems of hydrophones monitoring the ocean floor. This is the way they keep track of submarines and other craft. If the plane fell into the ocean, the noise would have been recorded.

The nations involved know more than they let on. They don't want to reveal their capabilities.

I sure wouldn't want to be in the Petronas Towers or any other large target.
Now the thinking is that the plane was heading to the Andaman or Nicobar Islands. There is a suitable landing strip on Greater Coco Island.
Supposedly, there was a Peoples' Republic of China's SININT station there. That seems doubtful now.

We know a temporary runway could be constructed in a matter of days using perforated steel plates. That plane could be in Iran by now.

Hopefully, it is not being loaded with something really awful.
It's kinda strange a small country like Malaysia says this plane just disappeared out of thin air, yet countries that has the technologies still seem to be lagging their feet. I wonder what airstrip, in what country this plane is at and how much ransom will be asked for? I also read where FEMA is back to refurbishing certain "camps" they maintain. Another news flick today says the founder of Facebook is now gripeing at Pres Oslama about the govts ability to to use a fake facebook sign in page and once your signed in,NSA now can silently put a undetectable device on your hardrive to track your every keystroke and you nor your computer will never know it's there.This too came about from Snowdens intelligence gatherings. Wonder how long it will be before Uncle Sam finds a legitimate reason under the Patriot Act to install cameras in public restrooms? Or maybe they already have done so. Maybe they think we're all mad factions against the state and are making toilet paper bombs now.
When the govt that is elected by the people finds it necessary to use unscrupulous ways to track every citizens move without their consent and with no legitimate reason, this is not freedom. I don't think my tax dollars are being spent wisely on projects such as these. If NSA is such a well deserving defense system why is there major crimes still occuring daily in the USA and throughout the world? Yet we are all under the suspicions of our own elected officials.
I see Mr. Kerry is giving the Russians until Monday. Uh oh! Another red line. If they don't behave, Mr. Kerry will get mad, cry and stamp his foot. What can we do? If they lay sanctions on Russia, they will dump their dollar holdings on to the market. I see they are moving them overseas in preparation. If it happens, then we should see a sharp rise in the price of precious metals.

I don't think there is enough gold in Fort Knox to defend the dollar. This may be the beginning of the end for the US dollar. When other nations perceive that they are dumping, they will try to get a head of the pack and dump also. When China joins in, there will be no stopping it.

For what it is worth, I probably will see you all in the FEMA camp.
FEMA camps
you guys crack me up.
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Wow!!! Kerry is giving ultimatums? We all better run and hide. This country has no credibility anymore so who is really listening? Kinda like a chihauha barking at a German Shepherd threatening to take a bone away.Perhaps if we just shut up and mind our own business for once the world would be a better place. We've already wasted our time and human lives in South Korea,South Vietnam,Iraq,Kuwait, and Afghanistan. Why do we feel the urge to fight for other nationalities freedoms when our Govt is slowly taking ours away? How can we offer financial aid to any country when we cannot feed our own and we're so deep in debt that no rope made is long enough for us to climb out? Let the politicians who saber rattle be the first to shoot the gun. It's easy to make threats if your not the one thats going to back them up.

But there must have been a logical explanation our country entered into the above mentioned conflicts,yes? We had US Citizens there that needed protection? Or we import food from these countries? Or they have technology decades ahead of us? Or oil supplies we cannot live without? The excuse of fighting for Freedom may apply here but why overseas? Why in countries that could care less for us and our philosophies? I read today it's now going to be legal to marry girls at 9 years of age in some countries (Iran or Iraq). If their societies think this is acceptable maybe we should load up all the sexual offenders and give them a one way ticket there.Yet our country feels the urgency to stand up for their rights for freedom? They are twisted, sick individuals who would even think of such a law. Yet our soldiers go there and die for these same people. Our elected officials are just as sick if we aid them in any way or fashion. Read this and tell me these people are "equal" and worth calling an educated society. Here is another link for Iran laws on age of marriage Please read down at this time entry ~June 23 2002 at 03:15PM This entire area of the planet is just plain sick!!
Hemet,,perhaps your not aware or realize what's been going on around you? Surely not!!
(Please look at all the other youtube video links on the right side of this page) (Please read ~~1. FEMA Concentration Camps: Yes, there are concentration camps in the United States of America. These camps have now been confirmed by both mainstream and alternative news sources and have been built for the wholesale slaughter of the American public. Bard-wire fences facing inward, human transport rail cars, mass coffins, and human incinerators reminiscent of Nazi Germany's death camps are all present at these FEMA facilities. When these camps will open for business is a question the whole world should be asking.

Perhaps the hundreds of links regarding this subject are all fake? Maybe I'm the only one here that knows about this? Maybe all the text in these hundreds of articles are fake? Explanation Hemet,pleeze?? I once again am asking your guidance and reassurances this is all made up and not true? Your post #946 above,,,explain why this is funny? I see no cartoon characters anywhere or jokes associated with these wild unreliable claims all over the internet and the hundreds of documented sightings so they must be a figment of my imagination? Or am I at fault for believing anything in these articles? Perhaps you have the answers? Please enlighten me again??
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French, this goes a long way back. Aisha was six when she was married to the Prophet Mohammed.
You are right about the few ruining it for the many. I have lived amonst muslims who I would trust with my life. Conversely I have met what I regard as extremist Christians. Extremism in any form, whether it be political, social or religious is a bad thing I think. I believe you should use your own experiences and judgements to decide who can and cannot be trusted, and always speak as you find, don't let others decide for you.
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