Great Depression of 2016

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Quote: No, it wasn't. It was cheaper and more comprehensive. The proposal didn't get far enough to fail. It never got beyond a rough draft. Congress made it clear wasn't interested in any health care proposal so the matter was dropped.
I'm real unsympathetic on this whole health care debacle. There was an affordable comprehensive national health care proposal drafted waaay back during the Clinton administration, and Congress would have none of it. Now we are stuck with something far more expensive and not as good.
Hillarycare was worse then Obamacare !

Tell me one good thing about Hillarycare.
No, it wasn't. It was cheaper and more comprehensive. The proposal didn't get far enough to fail. It never got beyond a rough draft. Congress made it clear wasn't interested in any health care proposal so the matter was dropped.

I'm failing to understand why we need the government involved in healthcare at all. Someone please explain this to me.

I have a home, I pay my insurance.
I have a car, I pay my insurance.
I had healthcare, I paid my insurance.
No one forces you to buy homeowners insurance. no one forces you to buy a car or a home and therefore insuring it. So when you have no choice to be born, other than commit suicide you have no other option but to live but the government forces you to have health insurance, hence forcing you to insure something you did not have the initial choice in? Why not force you to buy life insurance, because it's getting more expensive to bury or cremate persons no longer living and having funeral/memorial services. why not make parents have education insurance to make sure their children can afford to go to school makes as much sense as obamacare yet the government isn't mandating those yet
Hillarycare was worse then Obamacare !

Tell me one good thing about Hillarycare.

How about Romneycare? Do you like it any better? It is my understanding that Romney instituted a health care system similar to Obamacare in his home state which was the reason health care was not much of a subject in the last presidential election. Because on that issue both sides were vulnerable. No I didn't look it up. I'm old, it doesn't affect me, and I no longer care. Those of you that do might check it out. The result will either cause you to smooth your feathers or ruffle them further. It's up to you. I've said all I have to say on the subject. Right now I'm going to fix myself a cup of tea, put my feet up, and read a book.
My story: Several weeks ago, I found a lump about the size of a pea in a salivary gland under my jaw. We called and made an appointment with the VA doctor. It was about ten days before we could get in. That seemed fair to me. However, by the time I saw the doctor, it had grown to about the size of a quarter. My doctor got me an appointment at the hospital lab for the next day. They examined my throat and neck. Then I had some blood work done, a cat scan and then some biopsies.

Today, I went back and they did some more biopsies with a larger needle. We will go back Friday to see if I need surgery. So far, the service has been great. I can't complain about anything.

I just hope Dennis has the same good luck when he needs health care from Obamacare.
My story: Several weeks ago, I found a lump about the size of a pea in a salivary gland under my jaw. We called and made an appointment with the VA doctor. It was about ten days before we could get in. That seemed fair to me. However, by the time I saw the doctor, it had grown to about the size of a quarter. My doctor got me an appointment at the hospital lab for the next day. They examined my throat and neck. Then I had some blood work done, a cat scan and then some biopsies.

Today, I went back and they did some more biopsies with a larger needle. We will go back Friday to see if I need surgery. So far, the service has been great. I can't complain about anything.

I just hope Dennis has the same good luck when he needs health care from Obamacare.

I wouldn't have had to wait 10 days to see the doctor !
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