Great Depression of 2016

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It would seem there is a witness statement that does backup what the police said !
How is that leaping to judgement working out ?

I based my opinion on the best information I had at the time which were the intitial press reports. If that is rushing to judgement, so be it. I've committed worse sins. However, according to my neighbors, the police in this part of the country do not exactly have the greatest of reputations. As in shoot first, ask questions later.
The police in most places don't have a great reputation. Here they seem to think they are still terrorizing Afghani and Iraqi peasants.

As of tonight, the Ferguson demonstrators are complaining about tear gas although demonstrators were lobbing Molotov cocktails at the police.

In Oakland, when last heard from, the demonstration was now about Ferguson, Palestine, open borders, and two or three other issues, apparently. It is so incoherent that from what I can tell, the media has quit showing up.

I can hardly wait for members of one faction who dislike the perspective of another faction to start a thrash between them. This sort of thing is what makes Oakland riots so interesting. That and the fact that they now have to go all of the way up to Berkeley to find something worth looting.
The Libertarians and the Tea Party Republicans are sending emails about the "militarization" of police and about the apparent repeated excessive use of force by the Ferguson police. This is interesting since both groups were rallying in opposition to the militarization of police and government spying long before anyone else. (Do not confused Miss Bachmann and the rest of the NeoCons with the original Tea Party - the NeoCons have usurped the name and essentially put tricorner hats on both themselves and the religious right.)

Apparently the Libertarians and Tea Party are considering protesting around the country.

It will be interesting if they try it in Oakland because the Anarchists will attack them as "fascists." The Oakland anarchists are very politically confused, and it appears their main agenda is vandalism and suppressing opinions that they don't share. I've tried talking with them, and they don't seem to know about Gramsci, Kropotkin, Bakunin, Pa Chin, or any other anarchist theoretician. They don't even understand syndicalism. They have never even heard of Big Bill Haywood. They seem to think that anarchism is about destroying things and have no idea that chaos was never the goal of the actual anarchist movements. I have had very long conversations with very confused college students who think they are anarchists when they are actually communists or socialists as they believe in a strong central government that will restrict "wrong" opinions.

In other words, for the most part the anarchists of Oakland are spoiled kids who come in from the suburbs. They are particulary amusing when they are arrested, as some were in Seattle. They were offended that all they were offered to eat for lunch were bologna sandwiches and, as one martyr to the cause posted on social media after being released "some of us were vegetarians!"
Dictionary or not, I know the differences between legal and illegial immigrants.....yes our ancestors came forth in this country, according to documents, many more endured servants (white, blacks, whatever) than the ones who paid their ticket to get over here. I don't think our country men really thought of it that much when America was at its infancy. Ellis Island came into place when we started to document and accept immigrants coming in to this country.

Now today, America is the way to go to live, have our children, our freedom, religion and all the good stuff that our country has to offer. I know it is not perfect, probably will NEVER be. No, I will not be the first to go but the first to die for my country when my freedom, faith, religion and family are concerned. IMO, I believe our country is still great, better than the third world country but we have lost our way sometime down the line when extremists get in the way of progress.

In order to help the illegials coming in this country, are we going to "charge" Mexico and South American countries for sending their people over here, nothing but clothes on their backs? I feel for the kids, they are the victims of both countries (theirs and ours) for the outcome they didn't ask to be here. Hubby has a very very radical look at it which it is downright awful........shoot them, send them back to their country with a toe tag and maybe they will get the message not to come over here illegially. I asked him, what does that accomplished? More killings? No more tourism dollars for those countries because we got a price tag on our heads? He simply didn't care. It will solve the problem once and for all.

Personally, I don't think it is the solution at all, at some point countries have to come up with a compromise that would not strain both countries into economic and social depression. I sure heck won't shoot at illegials and we just keep sending them back after going thru the police protocols.

Put up a barrier but with what? Electrified are asking for lawsuits even they should not have come over the fence to begin with. They are desperate, so are we. Killing them is not the answer unless they are intended to harm you or your family and your livestock.

The Ferguson incident reminds me a bit of the Rodney King.......... sigh!
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Dictionary or not, I know the differences between legal and illegial immigrants.....yes our ancestors came forth in this country, according to documents, many more endured servants (white, blacks, whatever) than the ones who paid their ticket to get over here. I don't think our country men really thought of it that much when America was at its infancy. Ellis Island came into place when we started to document and accept immigrants coming in to this country.

Now today, America is the way to go to live, have our children, our freedom, religion and all the good stuff that our country has to offer. I know it is not perfect, probably will NEVER be. No, I will not be the first to go but the first to die for my country when my freedom, faith, religion and family are concerned. IMO, I believe our country is still great, better than the third world country but we have lost our way sometime down the line when extremists get in the way of progress.

In order to help the illegials coming in this country, are we going to "charge" Mexico and South American countries for sending their people over here, nothing but clothes on their backs? I feel for the kids, they are the victims of both countries (theirs and ours) for the outcome they didn't ask to be here. Hubby has a very very radical look at it which it is downright awful........shoot them, send them back to their country with a toe tag and maybe they will get the message not to come over here illegially. I asked him, what does that accomplished? More killings? No more tourism dollars for those countries because we got a price tag on our heads? He simply didn't care. It will solve the problem once and for all.

Personally, I don't think it is the solution at all, at some point countries have to come up with a compromise that would not strain both countries into economic and social depression. I sure heck won't shoot at illegials and we just keep sending them back after going thru the police protocols.

Put up a barrier but with what? Electrified are asking for lawsuits even they should not have come over the fence to begin with. They are desperate, so are we. Killing them is not the answer unless they are intended to harm you or your family and your livestock.

The Ferguson incident reminds me a bit of the Rodney King.......... sigh!

Actually, we *don't* send them back, and many of these "children" are cartel foot soldiers. In central America children leave school and enter the workforce around age fifteen or so. A male classmate of mine married a woman who was a secretary in the courts of one Central American country. She was something lik eseventeen years old and had been working for something like three years or four years when he met her.

I think they do need a fence and the national guard or army down there; did you see the video that the guy made where he walked back and forth from Mexico into the US and vice versa dressed as Osama bin Laden? And no one noticed him? Dressed in regular clothes he made it all the way to the freeway without anyone noticing.

So far, of the illegal alien "children" released in Texas, it seems like 90% haven't shown up for their hearings. This is common. No one bothers to look for them, so people skip immigration hearings for literally *decades.*

And they do harm families, employees and livestock. They destroy stock watering holes. They have the temerity to sue if a family member dies crossing a ranch. They leave garbage and filth as they go, and even hide drugs on people's property. You really need to go down and see for yourself. They literally run across and surrender to the first Border Patrol member they can find because they know that it will take years to find them to deport them if anyone even bothers to look for them once they are released on their own recognizance with a court date.

I am sure the terrorists have figured out how to exploit this opening. They have several hundred million dollars that the cartels would love to share in. The cartel smugglers would no doubt be delighted to provide them with RPGs and other military hardware that Mexican military and police took with them when they defected to the cartels. Just where do you think the Zetas and their equipment came from? Military weapons taken from the Mexican government - and often provided by Uncle Sugar.

The average American seems absolutely incapable of understanding that we are not dealing with undereducated Third World peasants; we are dealing with some very sophisticated, highly educated and well organized individuals who would like to see us off the planet. There was a cute post that someone made to Twitter at night, from right in front of the White House, complete with an ISIS flag. This suggests that El Presidente and Harry Reid live in a fool's paradise and are naked save for their crowns.
I used to work in a factory with a lot of illegals. Immigration never came to us, but they all had hiding places picked out. About two years ago, they took the neighbors, but left the women and kids. They cannot deport people if it would leave children on their own.

It took one of them less than a day to get back. The other one went home to see his parents. He was gone almost two months. He had a good time.

They are kind of strange. They have been here about fifteen years, but never learned a word of English. They seldom come outside, but when they do, I can hear them talking in the backyard. Not one word of English

Then we have neighbors that have been here two or three years, and they speak perfect English. They have a lot of Anglo friends and girl friends. They all want to put their own businesses and buy real estate.

I guess it is all dependent upon what kind of personality people have.

The problem in Missouri will not have a happy ending. They will not just let it go. Some people just cannot resist the temptation to pull that old scab off of an old wound. It is the bread and butter of a certain political party. It will not end well.
It would seem there is a witness statement that does backup what the police said !
How is that leaping to judgement working out ?
The autopsy report just released seems to support the witness statements I quoted (that he had his hands in the air and that he was trying to surrender) and not the account of the events the police gave. According to the medical examiner there were NO signs of a struggle, he was shot six times, and the fatal bullet entered through the TOP of his head. I suggest you read it yourself and come to your own conclusions.
He is dead! Nothing will bring him back. It was a sad event that no one wanted. Turn it loose. Police officers have set ways of handling situations and are trained to follow those protocols. Burning down a mini mart will do nothing to change that.
So true, why must people damage and steal stuff when protesting? it just makes the alleged protesters look like thieves and crooks not someone outraged that something they disagree with happened. hold a sit-in or picket line or something if enough people come and do that, it will cause traffic jams and the news will cover it. It might make people unhappy that they have to re-route due to traffic backups, but no one gets harmed, businesses will suffer little (loss of sales for a couple of days or a few hours).
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