Great Depression of 2016

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Well, I see Maduro visited China, then went on to Iran and then to Saudi Arabia. I don't think he is having a lot of luck. Note, that he visited Iran before Saudi Arabia. I am sure the Saudis noticed that.

The Saudis now admit that $100 a barrel oil is a thing of the past. They are desperately trying to hold on to their share of the market. They need the revenue to support their system. If they cannot provide all of the benefits that their people are used to, well then there is ISIS. The people in control were too good for too long to the non productive type of people with higher education in religion. They should have invested more in engineering and medicine and less in Imans.

Well, WTI was at $47.70 and natural gas was at $2.91 according to Bloomberg. It sure looks like we won't be getting rich soon.

I have to wonder what will happen when the Wheatstone in Australia and the Bo Hai Bay come into production. Too much of a good thing. Maybe, I should buy myself one of those big Lincolns from the 1970's.

The attack in Paris turned out to be done by a couple of home grown fellows. Islamist, but about fifteen per cent of the French population follow that faith. France has a history of tolerance until the worm turns. Everything was fine, until one day on St. Bartholomew's Day in 1572 when all of a sudden they killed off the Huguenots.

The Templars and the Jesuits got similar treatment later in history. History repeats itself, but I doubt it will in this case.
Where do you get that buying real estate is counted as exports ?
It's counted as capital investment.

Gold is for jewelry and some manufacturing, nothing else.

Dennis, when computing the balance of trade, sale of real estate to foreign owners is shown as an export.

The same is true when a US company is sold to a foreign entity. The 1988 sale of Firestone Rubber to Bridgestone Rubber of Japan was an export. I mention Firestone because I saw a program on PBS calling into question the activities of Firestone Rubber in Liberia. Never in the program did they reveal that it was a Japanese company. That I think is very dishonest.
Yes Dennis, my reaction was the same when I discovered that. But think about it, we are exporting something -- it is ownership.
The Saudis now admit that $100 a barrel oil is a thing of the past. They are desperately trying to hold on to their share of the market. They need the revenue to support their system. If they cannot provide all of the benefits that their people are used to, well then there is ISIS. The people in control were too good for too long to the non productive type of people with higher education in religion. They should have invested more in engineering and medicine and less in Imans.


The attack in Paris turned out to be done by a couple of home grown fellows. Islamist, but about fifteen per cent of the French population follow that faith. France has a history of tolerance until the worm turns. Everything was fine, until one day on St. Bartholomew's Day in 1572 when all of a sudden they killed off the Huguenots.

The Templars and the Jesuits got similar treatment later in history. History repeats itself, but I doubt it will in this case.

I also read that the Saudis are promising/threatening the other countries involved in production that if they reduce their production to try and stabilize oil prices, there will be "costs." I can't decide if Saudi Arabia is holding the entire world hostage, or if Obama is working behind the scenes to take America's economy to the limit to see if Russia's economy will crater. We're still silently at war with The Bear, you know.

And as for Paris, I smell a Netanyahu.

Saudi Arabia needs that revenue stream. So does Iran. Maduro's visits may play into this. If they can limit production, they can amp up the price of the product. Too bad for them, their day in the sun is over. The US has broken the pinata big time. The liberal lie of "peak oil" was just another lie.

It will come down to who gets to sell product. Iran may be able to control the strait of Hormuz, and thus make Saudi oil unavailable. Will the US allow that? Who knows with the current administration?

I hate to think of what the Iranis would do to any US aircraft carrier trapped in the Arabian Sea. They have already made wooden scale models to practice attacking them. Iran's intentions are not peaceful. The ultimate battle will pit Sunni against Shia. Just who drags us into their fight is yet to be seen. They prefer to have their wars on someone else's dime.

A war between these two factions will really improve the price of the product, but that is a terrible way out.

As for the demonstration in Paris, I see nobody of importance from the US showed up. Interrupt a vacation or a golf game? No way.
Saudi Arabia needs that revenue stream. So does Iran. Maduro's visits may play into this. If they can limit production, they can amp up the price of the product. Too bad for them, their day in the sun is over. The US has broken the pinata big time. The liberal lie of "peak oil" was just another lie.

It will come down to who gets to sell product. Iran may be able to control the strait of Hormuz, and thus make Saudi oil unavailable. Will the US allow that? Who knows with the current administration?

I hate to think of what the Iranis would do to any US aircraft carrier trapped in the Arabian Sea. They have already made wooden scale models to practice attacking them. Iran's intentions are not peaceful. The ultimate battle will pit Sunni against Shia. Just who drags us into their fight is yet to be seen. They prefer to have their wars on someone else's dime.

A war between these two factions will really improve the price of the product, but that is a terrible way out.

As for the demonstration in Paris, I see nobody of importance from the US showed up. Interrupt a vacation or a golf game? No way.

I have to ask. How do you trap an aircraft carrier battle group in the Arabian Sea ?
I have to ask. How do you trap an aircraft carrier battle group in the Arabian Sea ?

Mea culpa Dennis. I was thinking of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. The US always seems to have a carrier coming or going through the strait of Hormuz. During the Iraq - Irani war, the Iranis were busy attacking oil tankers there. Could they close the strait? I don't know. I do know that they have a lot of better missiles now. Some are photo shopped, and some are real.

And given changes in US policy, who knows? I guess we just have to hope and trust.
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