Great Depression of 2016

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Well, it looks like the alleged recovery is somewhat spotty. Not so good in Illinois, but apparently doing well in Hemet, California.
Well, it looks like the alleged recovery is somewhat spotty. Not so good in Illinois, but apparently doing well in Hemet, California.


Since Dennis appears to dislike answering elementary questions, I will assume he is (to put it nicely) "out of touch" with the current job market and rat race.


I know plenty of people looking for jobs. I worked with an employment agency for three months, to no avail. I have a degree from a state university. I played collegiate, varsity sports and graduated cum laude. I'm certainly not the "least hirable" person in the world. In my field, I was going to *GROUP INTERVIEWS* in a room of 10 to 12 people for ONE job.

I guess I'll get told I should have gotten a masters to get a job to pay for my masters.


I am concerned about when some of these social welfare programs are eliminated or severely cut back. That is when things will get real nasty. One Watts riot was one Watts riot too many for me.

We cannot afford to continue these programs, and yet we dare not eliminated them.

Those that got us into this pickle will never own up to it. They will blame others for our problems.
I am concerned about when some of these social welfare programs are eliminated or severely cut back. That is when things will get real nasty. One Watts riot was one Watts riot too many for me.

We cannot afford to continue these programs, and yet we dare not eliminated them.

Those that got us into this pickle will never own up to it. They will blame others for our problems.

The first time those EBT cards decline, things will get REALLY interesting. :) We shall check the health of this progressive society.

I highly doubt, though, that those programs will be cut back. Could you imagine the outpouring of rage and the riots that would occur if mama with eight kids can't get no Doritos and Coke! *shudder*

Moar gubmint, please!!!

MrsBrooke, as you probably already know Illinois is in the worst financial situation (including California) of all 50 states. We elected a new governor,,,self made millionaire Bruce Rauner. People here was tired of no progress ever being made on the growing state debt,largely attributed to state employees pension funds. Mr Rauner promised change and promised us all it would be a tough road for many years. He has hired some of the top people to locate waste and begin making us live within our means. Naturally now when some groups are being effected by financial cuts,they cry about it and try to justify why they still need state funding vs. the next competitor. One big issue is with childcare. The state has implemented so many laws for anyone to watch children that the cost per child is now very high. Mothers of these children says they would be money ahead to not work vs paying high daycare costs. So,the State has subsidized child care for many years now. But with our new governor this dept is going to lose a lot of money and now many who accept this handout are saying they will just quit and go back on welfare. Either way we're still paying for their decision. I have never once heard that our,or any other state is making significant cuts to their welfare program. It is a never dying money tree. I personally would like to witness these people who accept freebies to be forced to give them up. Then to see if they can indeed make it on their own without everyone else financially supporting them.P-ss poor decisions on their part,,be it dropping out of school and never learning to read and write,,getting pregnant at 15 years old and staying that way until there is now 5-? mouths to feed,,let them figure out how to put the next meal on the table instead of getting their next cash allotment on their link card,which they in turn trade away for drugs.
MrsBrooke, as you probably already know Illinois is in the worst financial situation (including California) of all 50 states. We elected a new governor,,,self made millionaire Bruce Rauner. People here was tired of no progress ever being made on the growing state debt,largely attributed to state employees pension funds. Mr Rauner promised change and promised us all it would be a tough road for many years. He has hired some of the top people to locate waste and begin making us live within our means. Naturally now when some groups are being effected by financial cuts,they cry about it and try to justify why they still need state funding vs. the next competitor. One big issue is with childcare. The state has implemented so many laws for anyone to watch children that the cost per child is now very high. Mothers of these children says they would be money ahead to not work vs paying high daycare costs. So,the State has subsidized child care for many years now. But with our new governor this dept is going to lose a lot of money and now many who accept this handout are saying they will just quit and go back on welfare. Either way we're still paying for their decision. I have never once heard that our,or any other state is making significant cuts to their welfare program. It is a never dying money tree. I personally would like to witness these people who accept freebies to be forced to give them up. Then to see if they can indeed make it on their own without everyone else financially supporting them.P-ss poor decisions on their part,,be it dropping out of school and never learning to read and write,,getting pregnant at 15 years old and staying that way until there is now 5-? mouths to feed,,let them figure out how to put the next meal on the table instead of getting their next cash allotment on their link card,which they in turn trade away for drugs.

Hear, hear.

The child care issue is huge. I know a woman who tallied up the finances and determined she would make a $56 profit at the end of the year if she worked and paid child care costs. She decided to forgo the $56 and stayed at home with the kids. Also, maternity leave (for hard-working women) is a JOKE in this country. Obviously, this doesn't apply to wimmins receiving "temporary" welfare.

Getting off topic, but not really.

This country is racing itself straight to the bottom. Hang tight, everyone. Here we go.

Those that get the blame for the situation will suffer. I remember my mother believed the lie of a certain political party that the great depression was caused by the rich, the bankers and a certain religious faith. Who will be their next victims worries me. It sure won't be those that thought that people can live well without working, and then they established all of the social welfare programs.

I still hear people talking about how the federal government should establish a guaranteed minimum income for all, no matter whether they work or not.

Just where is all of this money coming from? Not me, the IRS already cleaned me out.
I know of one family that has figured that out but needed more than hubby could provide so she figured out what hours she could work compared with his hours to pay for little or no daycare.she works evenings he works days they don't get much time together during the week, but they worked it out that they could pay their bills. some jobs and some marriages won't work out that way but this is one thought of how to get out of daycare costs and be able to pay the bills
Child care is easier if you have an extended family. We are pretty much raising our grand kids. Their parents work long hours and then go to school.

Still, they barely get by financially. I understand the temptation to rely upon the government for an easier life, but what happens when the government cannot or will not help any longer? It is best to be independent and live within one's means.

Families need to stick together and help each other. And, make sure you can provide for a child before you make one.
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