Great Depression of 2016

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And spend that once worrying about Greece ?

I'd rather spend that once with chickens.

I was alluding to the fact that for a couple generations people have lived "YOLO BRAH" and gotten the West in the mess it is now, and that's maybe we should start living different...
I was alluding to the fact that for a couple generations people have lived "YOLO BRAH" and gotten the West in the mess it is now, and that's maybe we should start living different...

I feel the "YOLO BRAH" (as you so aptly and accurately put it) is a product of a system of control that we see on television, the internet, billboards, everywhere. Part of this $30,000-millionaire lifestyle trying to play real-life Jersey Shore.

They call it television "programming" for a reason. :)

The West IS certainly in a mess. No doubt about that.

And I offer that feeling concern over the financial happenings in another country that is linked to yours in a world-wide market is prudent and wise, in my opinion

I feel the "YOLO BRAH" (as you so aptly and accurately put it) is a product of a system of control that we see on television, the internet, billboards, everywhere. Part of this $30,000-millionaire lifestyle trying to play real-life Jersey Shore.

They call it television "programming" for a reason. :)

The West IS certainly in a mess. No doubt about that.

And I offer that feeling concern over the financial happenings in another country that is linked to yours in a world-wide market is prudent and wise, in my opinion


I absolutely agree with your last point there, was not discounting the fact that countries do indeed affect each other economically.

While I agree that living beyond your means is sold out on television, I don't agree that it's the root of the problem (if that's what you were saying).
I absolutely agree with your last point there, was not discounting the fact that countries do indeed affect each other economically.

While I agree that living beyond your means is sold out on television, I don't agree that it's the root of the problem (if that's what you were saying).

We agree on all counts, then. :)

It's not the root, but it's certainly a symptom of this way of life we're being pitched. Unfortunately, too many people have fallen for it. :/

Dennis, I am too old and set in my ways for a re education camp.

And those FEMA camps that people on the internet are always warning about, well the one in Arizona was a state prison half way made. You cannot always rely upon Google Earth. You see what you see, but it is all in interpretation.

Having nothing to lose gives one a certain freedom and latitude to criticize.

The sad truth is that our world economy is so interrelated that a default in one country can spread to many others. And like dominoes, they all fall down. The powers that be know that, and so the kabuki theater goes on. Everyone knows it is a sham, but no one wants to see it fall down.

It is the one you don't hear of see that gets you.
I think the root of the problem is not wanting to live large, but wanting to live large on someone else' dime. We have pretty much run out of "da rich."
rufus, there are many people whom think everything on TV and the internet is true. As for living on somebody's money and not your own there are many whom feel they are in entitled to being cared for. such as the woman in this video.
I wanted to keep my old insurance plan but 'bama care said it wasn't up to their standards so my employer had to change their plan, they didn't want to change it either because the new plan costs them more money.... how about prison camps?????
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