Great Depression of 2016

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Dennis, that is no comparison to the hatred dumped on George Bush and Richard Nixon. While it was not meant to be derogatory, it seems as if you want it to be.
Dennis, that is no comparison to the hatred dumped on George Bush and Richard Nixon. While it was not meant to be derogatory, it seems as if you want it to be.

You're really going to go with the "but they did it" ?

It wasn't right when they did it, and it's still not right.

Maybe you just don't understand Rufusanator.

adjective: derogatory
showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
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Dennis disagrees with Free Speech if he thinks we can't criticize or mock the president. Lord knows Obama mocks the office and the US plenty.

We are free to be derogatory. Sedition is the thing they frown upon.

Until that man shows respect for the office he holds, the constitution, and the people of this great country, he has not earned respect.
Dennis disagrees with Free Speech if he thinks we can't criticize or mock the president. Lord knows Obama mocks the office and the US plenty.

We are free to be derogatory. Sedition is the thing they frown upon.


Most Americans are pretty dense. The government controlled media castigates Trump for speaking honestly, but give Barry free reign to lie through his teeth every time he opens his trap for the last 7 years. The American people just go with the flow, picking their noses and playing with Ipads. Yeah, things are bound to keep improving.
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why he's given a pass is because he's magical, hence the song
Plus he hates people asking if he went to Kenya for a birth certificate, but when you are supposedly born in the 50th state why is it that you have to vacation there several times while in office before the certificate is gotten by someone else at a later date? how hard is it to take an hour or less to get a piece of paper to prove the critics wrong? that is if he truly an American born in Hawaii....
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