Great Depression of 2016

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Sometimes the transition is difficult. There are thousands of people that never really acquired skills beyond their fist job. They grew old in place, and now that their employment is ended, they find it difficult to fit into another role in life.

Some people after making forty dollars and hour find it really hard to bite the bullet and take an eight dollar an hour wage. But it must be done. We have to move on.
Driving across state lines affect interstate commerce just as commercial fishing licenses affect multiple states fisheries but ccw licenses must be recognised by individual states although the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. Up until recent times driving a car was a privledge, not a right. . .but somehow hunting and fishing which had been a right has become a privledge. Marriage been a privledge up until the last few years (some people would differ on that point) now it has become a seems a thing becomes a right after being a privledge if enough people have an agenda (and visa versa) . It reminds me of a saying that I grew up with " When a want becomes a need, that is the process called greed". Am I wrong on this?

How does flying to another state and renting a car there effect interstate commerce as far as recognizing a drivers license ? Driving is a privilege not a right.
At one time just about everyone needed to farm. Now less people need to farm so people made new jobs for all the other people to do. History is full of leaps forward that cost many people their jobs. It is always followed by someone coming up with new jobs for those people to do.

I dont think anyone should loose anymore sleep over automation than they do over the invention of the cotton gin or the tractor.

You can think of it as lost jobs or you can think of it as freeing up manpower to do bigger an better things. Both are actually true.

So lets look at some recent history. Young people used to have millions of jobs working in gasoline stations. In most states those have been eliminated, where do those young people work now ? Many young people used to deliver newspapers, where are those young people working now ?

What you are talking about is when people moved from working farms to higher paying manufacturing jobs. Now we have shrinking manufacturing jobs due to off shoring and automation. Where are those people working now ? Some of them took more jobs from young people working in fast food places. Remember when the only ones working in fast food were very young people ? Where are they working now ?

No, what happened 50 to 100 years ago doesn't apply to today.
So lets look at some recent history. Young people used to have millions of jobs working in gasoline stations. In most states those have been eliminated, where do those young people work now ? Many young people used to deliver newspapers, where are those young people working now ?

What you are talking about is when people moved from working farms to higher paying manufacturing jobs. Now we have shrinking manufacturing jobs due to off shoring and automation. Where are those people working now ? Some of them took more jobs from young people working in fast food places. Remember when the only ones working in fast food were very young people ? Where are they working now ?

No, what happened 50 to 100 years ago doesn't apply to today.
It still applies. Supply an demand always fills the gap, its just a matter of time. Most young people I know work at amazon, UPS an fed-Ex. Most of the older ones are taking jobs as truck drivers where the demand has never been higher.

Driving is a privilege not a right.
The courts would probably disagree, mostly cause privileges an rights are the same thing under the law. The two are even used interchangeability in the Constitution... Is driving a right? I have always though no, but after hearing some very smart legal minds debate this I am not so sure the courts would not say it is. I expect to see a supreme court case on that question in my lifetime...
UPS an Fed-Ex have lowered employment by automation. Those young people are unemployed.

Now driving jobs are going to start disappearing, but they never made up for a tenth of the lost manufacturing jobs. As I pointed out, there will be few driving jobs with driver-less cars and trucks.

You have to be qualified to drive a car, voting is a right you don't have to qualify to do it. The courts have ruled you have a right when you reach a curtain age to try and qualify to drive, then you gain the privilege to drive. But even if you qualify to drive the privilege can be taken away, if you prove you wont comply with the rules. Now I'm only talking about driving on public property, yes anyone has the right to drive on their property or any other property with the owners permission. There are many rights you have on your property that end at you property line.

Is flying a plane a right ? No.
The courts though they say it can be regulated "in the interest of the public safety and welfare", do call it a right...

Quote: Rather complicated case where the mans license was revoked based on a law wrote after he got his license. The main point of the courts though, the government can restrict driving to people that have shown the ability, they cant restrict it arbitrarily cause it is in fact a right.
The courts though they say it can be regulated "in the interest of the public safety and welfare", do call it a right...

Rather complicated case where the mans license was revoked based on a law wrote after he got his license. The main point of the courts though, the government can restrict driving to people that have shown the ability, they cant restrict it arbitrarily cause it is in fact a right.

That's is much of what I said, it's a right that you have to earn the privilege to exercise. You also need to earn more to drive a bigger truck or a passenger bus.
Owning a gun is a straight out right you don't have to do anything to own one. Driving and Flying a plane are not straight out rights.
The courts though they say it can be regulated "in the interest of the public safety and welfare", do call it a right...

Rather complicated case where the mans license was revoked based on a law wrote after he got his license. The main point of the courts though, the government can restrict driving to people that have shown the ability, they cant restrict it arbitrarily cause it is in fact a right.

This reminded me of a guy I have run across a few times. He says the Constitution is not legal because the majority of the people alive today didn't vote on it. So are you bound by laws past before you were born ? He says no. What do you say ?
Something is a right or it is not, there is no middle ground. Yes you need a license to drive but several states require a license to own a gun, most do to carry said gun. Its also common to need a license to hold a protest or political rally. There is also an age requirement an a requirement to register to vote.
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