Great Depression of 2016

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It's not our deal !
To all the countries not wanting it to happen an us going threw with it anyway, it is our deal. We do it an we own it.

We were not at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack "strongest military power in the world" !
Japan though we were at the time, as did England.

Japan did a study ran by Lt. Colonel Jiro Akimaru before the attack that concluded that the US was unbeatable with a 10 to 1 advantage over them.
Gen Sugiyama, Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command acknowledged that the report was “nearly flawless” in its analysis. After praising Akimaru for the quality of the report, he then issued the following order. “The conclusion of your report goes against national policy. I want you to burn every copy of it immediately.”
Japan knew they would lose but culture dictated they attack anyway. They only hoped they could knock us down long enough to win the war before we were ready to fight back.

Dec 8, 1941, Winston Churchill wrote in his diary: "I knew the United States was in the War now up to the neck, so we had won after all." He said, "American blood flows in my views. The United States is like a gigantic boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it, there is no limit to the power it can generate."
The other countries having sanctions on Iran were giving them up, the deal was between Iran and the six countries that we were just one of. It's not a one on one deal.

Japan hoped that the U.S. wouldm't want to expend the cost of defeating Japan, yes the made wrong conclusions on what we would do.

Churchill was referring to the U.S. fighting with them and Russia to win in Europe. Could the U.S. have beaten Germany without England and Russia's help ? 1941 we were not "strongest military power in the world", were weak militarily. If Hitler hadn't been stupid enough to declare war on us would we have ever fought in Europe ? Why do you think he did declare war on us, we were after all the only country he "declared" war on.
In the case with Iran, it is much akin to the situation mentioned in Japan. Iran is a theocracy. There is a feeling that by pushing the world into war, it would hasten the return of the hidden Iman. You have to understand the Shia to really comprehend their motives.

We worship life, they long for death. Our goal is a prosperous and happy life. Theirs is martyrdom. How else can you explain their willingness to drive a bomb laden automobile into a crowd of innocent people?

I am sure Dennis will have his own ideas about the situation. That is his right.

Here is some reading on the October 20th meeting of the IMF.

I guess we will pretty soon learn what will be the result. We just have to wait.
Dennis, this is old information. Google Bravo Mike or Tsar Bomb. The Iranians will not build a Hiroshima style bomb. No, they will go for the big one.
Quote: I must have put the wrong link.

If you put in Tel Aviv and a 500 KT bomb you will see the blast area doesn't even reach Jerusalem.

It shows how silly this statement is "A nuclear weapon laid on Tel Aviv would take out Rhamalla, Jerusalem, Beirut, Amman and Gaza, and probably make difficult in Damascus and Cairo."
In the case with Iran, it is much akin to the situation mentioned in Japan. Iran is a theocracy. There is a feeling that by pushing the world into war, it would hasten the return of the hidden Iman. You have to understand the Shia to really comprehend their motives.

We worship life, they long for death. Our goal is a prosperous and happy life. Theirs is martyrdom. How else can you explain their willingness to drive a bomb laden automobile into a crowd of innocent people?

I am sure Dennis will have his own ideas about the situation. That is his right.

Here is some reading on the October 20th meeting of the IMF.

I guess we will pretty soon learn what will be the result. We just have to wait.

OK WE are waiting.

Is this going to happen before or after the massive hyperinflation we have been waiting for over 5 years ?

From your link,
"IMF shall announce the entry of the Chinese RenMinbei (RMB) dislodging US Dollars from its key currency into this basket of currency very sometime October 20, 2015."

That is one of the funniest statements I have heard in a long time !
Well Dennis, A nuclear weapon laid on Tel Aviv would also take out Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Amman, Jordan is only 70 miles from Tel Aviv; Gaza is 40 miles. Damascus and Beirut are each about 135 miles away. However, you are welcome to stand as close to that detonation as you wish.

Good luck with that.
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