Great Depression of 2016

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The world will never be completely stable, things are always changing. I just try not to worry about it

If I had a dollar every time I heard someone declare that it's "too big to handle" or to just "not worry about it," I'd be able to buy some land next to Dennis.

World debt is up to $152 TRILLION.... that's over 200% of the world's GDP.

Nothing to trouble ourselves with.

It'd be funny if it weren't so looming.

If I had a dollar every time I heard someone declare that it's "too big to handle" or to just "not worry about it," I'd be able to buy some land next to Dennis.

World debt is up to $152 TRILLION.... that's over 200% of the world's GDP.

Nothing to trouble ourselves with.

It'd be funny if it weren't so looming.

I used to worry about it a lot, but what's the point? We just have to deal with it the best we can.
I used to worry about it a lot, but what's the point? We just have to deal with it the best we can.

The point is, I feel we've gone too long without armed revolution, at least on our side of the pond (I see you are in the UK).

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - TJeff

I wish it didn't have to come to that, but men are no angels.

The point is, I feel we've gone too long without armed revolution, at least on our side of the pond (I see you are in the UK).

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - TJeff

I wish it didn't have to come to that, but men are no angels.

What do you think needs to happen exactly?
A second American Revolution against the central bank and bankers that manipulate the markets, if we're being frank. I feel we need to abolish the Fed and set up a REAL gold-backed currency... You know, the same thing that got Gaddafi the "Killary Clinton" treatment.

Will it happen? Doubtful. Everyone here is too hopped up on Trump v Hillary, football, and pharmaceuticals to worry about it. :(

I guess it's up to the Russians. ;)

Putin gave a stirring interview to Bloomberg last month. The man deserves a round of applause for avoiding the trap questions posed by Mickelthwait. American journalism at it's "finest" (read: most embarrassing).

Worth a read if you're into this stuff.

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A second American Revolution against the central bank that manipulate the markets, if we're being frank.

Will it happen? Doubtful. Everyone here is too hopped up on Trump v Hillary, football, and pharmaceuticals to worry about it. :(

I guess it's up to the Russians. ;)

Putin gave a stirring interview to Bloomberg last month. The man deserves a round of applause for avoiding the trap questions posed by Mickelthwait. American journalism at it's "finest" (read: most embarrassing).

Worth a read if you're into this stuff.

Hmmm, yeah I doubt that'll happen. As you know, I'm not in the US, so don't know a huge amount about US politics. I get a feeling that no matter who wins the election, there's going to be a lot of backlash. Unfortunately I cannot read the article because it crashes my mobile :/
Hmmm, yeah I doubt that'll happen. As you know, I'm not in the US, so don't know a huge amount about US politics. I get a feeling that no matter who wins the election, there's going to be a lot of backlash. Unfortunately I cannot read the article because it crashes my mobile

It won't happen. The issue is people have been lulled into a false sense of "everything's fine." Nothing is fine here. Nothing at all.

If Trump wins, there will be Soros-funded BLM riots (he gave them $650,000 for whatever reason, and that's only the beginning - ). And there's no way of knowing if he's just another shill playing the role of White Knight coming in to "fix everything." People are desperate enough here after so much "hope and change," that they will vote for ANYTHING different.

If Hillary wins, war with Russia, economy tanks, the "deplorables" may take to the streets. As Trump said, the "Second Amendment people can deal with her."

It wasn't pretty when Rome melted down, either.

It was bread and circuses... Now we have EBT cards and the NFL.

It won't happen. The issue is people have been lulled into a false sense of "everything's fine." Nothing is fine here. Nothing at all.

If Trump wins, there will be Soros-funded BLM riots (he gave them $650,000 for whatever reason, and that's only the beginning - ). And there's no way of knowing if he's just another shill playing the role of White Knight coming in to "fix everything." People are desperate enough here after so much "hope and change," that they will vote for ANYTHING different.

If Hillary wins, war with Russia, economy tanks, the "deplorables" may take to the streets. As Trump said, the "Second Amendment people can deal with her."

It wasn't pretty when Rome melted down, either.

It was bread and circuses... Now we have EBT cards and the NFL.

Wow :/ I don't know what to say. Sorry about whats going on, hope things don't get too bad over there for you guys.
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