Great-horned Owl Fun in 2016


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
We have gone for roughly 3 months with very little owl action. It is not they have left the area, they simply changed their habits. Apparently male owl hunting my pasture has brood at least 1/4 mile to the northeast across highway OO. We have noted him multiple times flying overhead in that direction at dusk while we have been looking for Timberdoodles. When flying over his crop has been obviously distended. Just minutes ago I found where he has been doing at least some of his hunting. Location is about 150 yards do south of my poultry yard between fence row and my woodlot that at separated by a 50 yard wide strip of overgrown pasture that has not seen a mower for 6 years. Owl seems to be hunting this starting before dark catching a crop full very quickly. It flies over SE corner of poultry yard on some flights back to brood. I do not know route taken when coming back from nest.
Adult Great-horned Owls now hooting to east every night. I have yet to hear calls of juveniles. Juveniles typically moving into our yard every night by now. Maybe their breeding effort this year is a bust. I am also seeing very little hawk action. Dogs are eating more baby birds and rodents than the raptors are. Snakes (Spotted King and Bull) might be given dogs a run for their money.
Adult owls now hooting in woods behind house during the day, even midday. No sign of juveniles. During evening firework detonations may be causing the owls stress. Dogs and chickens clearly stressed by same.
These fireworks are something I do not look forward to AT ALL. One of my dogs is totally stressed out all the days the fireworks are being blasted. 3 stinking days each year around here. My chickens seem to jump up about 1 inch off the ground each time a LOUD blast occurs. And there are a few hawks that make a regular flight path and cruise past my house regularly. Sometimes they perch in a tree and observe me. (probably looking at chickens rather than me). During the 3 days, they were in high gear and not stopping at all.
Witnessed an GHO in back yard this AM. Was out there before dawn screaching. Crows located it just after sun up and chased it off. It returned an hour later. Chickens have been hiding under the deck.
There is a chorus of owls this morning. Three or more. @ Dusk last night as well. They have to know our chickens are here. The girls dont seem to pay any attention to the owl screeching.
There is a chorus of owls this morning. Three or more. @ Dusk last night as well. They have to know our chickens are here. The girls dont seem to pay any attention to the owl screeching.

"Screeching"? Are the owls juvenile or are you hearing screech owls?

I have an owl that perches every morning for about an hour before dawn in a tree about 100 yards east of house. Upper part of tree dead so owl very easy to see in the twilight. He hoots a lot while roosters in cockyard and barn crow their hearts out. My hens make no sound except during day unless disturbed.

Location used by owl in early morning (like right now) is used by an American Kestrel during the day. Kestrel molting and he not flying much. Kestrel appears to be hunting very easy to catch grasshoppers.

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