Greeley Colorado sees the light - sort of

I would suggest that you let this rest publicly for a while, and behind scenes, work like the dickens gathering your support evidence and people in support of backyard chickens. When you believe you have an unassailable bundle in support of your initiative, leave no rock unturned in your effort to get this passed. Find out when an issue can be reintroduced and be ready on that date. Do your mail and phone work early so that you have a full council room in your behalf. Don't forget green supporters and sustainability supporters as well as educators. We all know that with caring maintenance, six chickens do not make a nuisance. Include evidence of successful maintenance of backyard chickens (quality video-show as well as say) and statements from neighbors that they are not offended by the presence of chickens in their neighborhoods. Good luck! ~G
Greeley really has gone to the dogs then.

My dad was born & raised there, and we visited every Summer. There was a Lady with all kinds of critters in her yard, and the neighborhood liked her even though they thought she was crazy. Maybe it was the fresh eggs & goat milk, and I think produce as well.
The lots were big, so plenty of space to put between the chooks and the nearest door or window.
Mosquitoes from chickens??? omg. That person is probably the one who would vomit if she knew from whence her food came.
I'm so sorry it turned out that way, & I hope it gets better.
Too bad Greeley voted back yard chickens down - but I had to laugh at the above quote. If you've ever been to Greeley, you know that the town for the most part absolutely reeks if the wind is blowing from the east due to the massive cattle feedlots out that way. I can't imagine living in Greeley and complaing about my neighbors chickens' odor - seriously, how would you smell it with the stench from the huge feedlots in the area.

I'm glad to live in a town where we don't have to be outlaw chicken owners
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Greeley never gave me any trouble about the 2 alien, unregistered, Mexican parrots that I had in my Store there in downtown Greeley years ago. (Those two WERE noisy and messy !!!) I got rid of them for my own sake. (They wouldn't even sing songs of the Mexican Revolution!!!)

God save us from "Do-Gooders" (especially if they are politicians).

Too bad Greeley voted back yard chickens down - but I had to laugh at the above quote. If you've ever been to Greeley, you know that the town for the most part absolutely reeks if the wind is blowing from the east due to the massive cattle feedlots out that way. I can't imagine living in Greeley and complaing about my neighbors chickens' odor - seriously, how would you smell it with the stench from the huge feedlots in the area.

I'm glad to live in a town where we don't have to be outlaw chicken owners

i was thinking the exact same thing-- pathetic to think a few chickens would out-do the stench of slaughter house...

I too live in a chicken-friendly place... outside of a town! greeley, you disappoint...
Unfortunately there are many small towns around the Greeley area that prohibit chickens. Eaton and LaSalle are two that prohibit. I think Kersey is ok, but they are pretty out in the sticks (my appologies to any Kersey-ites out there, not meaning to imply anything bad, just far away from larger cities).

Windsor might be a good match. They adopted a chicken ordinance very similar to Fort Collin's ordinance ( ),but I think it may be a little more user friendly-- as an example you are allowed to slaughter the hens for personal consumption in the Windsor ordinance ( look at Artical IX , 7-9-20 ) . Windsor is a still small but growing town about 15 minutes closer to Greeley than Fort Collins. Nice little town.

Can't speak for Garden City. I've been over to Greeley and Evans many a time and didn't even know there was a town smushed between them. To see if chickens are allowed in any town you are looking at, Google the town then put in Municpal codes (ie. Kersey Colorado Municipal codes ). The part you are looking for is usually under the zoning section or the animal section buried below the dog and cat stuff.

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