Green Club

Harvey drives - frenetically - after all, he is a rabbit.
Oh, yeah, typical rabbit driver - jackrabbit starts and a tendency to freeze when startled.

But this is Harvey, after all. He crosses the line all the time - show him a line, he'll cross it. And the last thing anyone needs is Harvey in pursuit mode with more horsepower!
Aww, Harvey's not so bad! Just a little... Strange. Though it's probably not a good idea to let him drive, he might run into a tree or something!

Even being as big a rabbit as he is, it's still hard to grip the steering wheel with paws. After he tried to drive once, I just bought him a wand enchanted with a teleportation spell. Don't think I'll ever understand why he wanted the one with the pink star and streamers though...
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Got goosed this morning. GREEN is preferred over white for sure. Just dismiss the whining of a tired old man. The Princess worked me hard today. The house is being rearranged for autumn.
Windows washed, gutters cleaned, stove exhaust vent painted - the Lady is even more tired than me.

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