Green Club

Now, see - this is why I gotta stay in shape. I never know when I might wind up on the menu!
To quote our esteemed (and absent) Broody Magician:


BB2K and I were walking across the parking lot of a nearby shopping center when she noticed some birds pecking at something on the ground. As we got closer, the birds flew up, and she realized that the thing they had been after was alive. Curious, she walked over, and realized that it was a small Leopard Frog. "Oh, poor baby!" she cried. "Quick, is there a puddle or something we can put him in?" I looked around, and indicated a retention pond at the back of the parking lot. She scooped him up, and he curled himself into as small a lump as a little frog could in her hand. Other than being a bit dry and very traumatized, he seemed unharmed. When we got to the pond, she tossed him gently into the water, and I said, "there you go, little guy - you got a second chance. Now stay away from the heron working the other side."

Frog rescue - it's a thing.
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